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Quantitative Aptitude

Time and Work (People)

In this section, we are going to learn about the concept of time and work (men, women and children) in which there are different type of people eg. men, women and children with different efficiencies.  Here are some special points which you should remember: Work and Person Directly proportional (more work, more men and conversely

Quantitative Aptitude

Time and Work (Pipes and Cisterns)

In this section we will discuss about PIPES AND CISTERNS. In most questions, Pipes are connected to a tank or cistern and are used to fill or empty the tank or cistern. In pipe and cistern, the work is done in the form of filling or emptying a cistern/tank. Inlet pipe: It fills a tank/cistern/reservoir. Outlet

Quantitative Aptitude

Averages (Part-1)

In this section, we will take up the Average (Basics and Based on Number System) topic and deal with all the concepts and formulae in it.  Average: An average of the given data is the sum of all the observations in it divided by number of observations. Average is also called the Arithmetic Mean.          

Quantitative Aptitude

Algebra (Quadratic Equations)-2

In this section, we will take up the Quadratic Equations part and deal with all the concepts and formulae in it. We will also see some Cubic Equations formulae and solve few problems on them   Quadratic Equations are equations of degree 2 i.e. the power of at least one variable must be 2 and also the maximum power on any

Quantitative Aptitude

Algebra (Linear Equations)-2

In this section, we will discuss the Linear Equation. Linear Equation part of our syllabus is comparatively easy and has very few concepts.   What is an Equation? An equation is a statement that denotes two different mathematical expressions as equal. It consists of ‘=’ sign between two mathematical expressions. It is generally used in algebra and is

Quantitative Aptitude

Time and Work

In this section, we will begin with the Time and Work topic of your exams.   The concept of Time and Work is moreover based on Unitary Method and LCM. Before we begin, we should know some basic relations: Time(T) ∝ Work(W) i.e. To do more work we will need more time and vice versa. Time(T) ∝ 1/Person(P) i.e. More person will do the same work in