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MCQ on State Executive

State Executive MCQ (Assembly, Governor & Chief Minister) Practice multiple-choice questions on the State Executive (Assembly, Governor & Chief Minister) of the Indian Constitution. This page contains State Executive MCQs of Indian Polity for competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC GD, SSC MTS, Judicial Services, Police (SI/Constables), CLAT, CDS, AFCAT, NDA, CAPF, and


MCQ on Fundamental Rights and Preamble

MCQ on Fundament Rights Practice multiple-choice questions on the Preamble, Fundamental Rights, and Directive Principles of State Policy—the pillars of the Indian Constitution. This page contains MCQ on Fundamental Rights, Preamble, and Directive Principles, for competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC GD, SSC MTS, Railways (NTPC/Group D/ALP), Police ( Judicial Services, CLAT, CDS,


MCQ on Microeconomics

Multiple Choice Questions on Microeconomics MCQ on Microeconomics Objective Question and Answers for competitive exams like SSC, Railways, Banking, NDA, CDS, AFCAT, CAPF, UPSC, and State PSC. Microeconomics MCQ Answer the following MCQ on Microeconomics: Which of the following most closely approximates our definition of oligopoly? (a) The cigarette industry. (b) The barber shops (c)


MCQ on Macroeconomics

MCQ on Macro Economics MCQ on Macroeconomics for General Awareness and GK preparation for competitive exams like SSC, Banking, Railways, NDA, CDS, AFCAT, CAPF, UPSC, and State PSC. Answer the following Multiple Choice Questions on Macroeconomics Which among the following statements is not true when there is an increase in interest rate in an economy?


MCQ on Economics

MCQ Economics MCQ on Economics for Competitive Exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC GD, Banking, CDS, AFCAT, CAPF, CDS OTA, UPSC and Police exams Answer the following MCQ on Economics The decimal system of Indian currency was started in (1) 1950 (2) 1955 (3) 1957 (4) 1960 Which of the following is not a

SSC CGL Tier 2 Preparation Strategy

SSC CGL Preparation Strategy for Tier II 2025 The Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) examination is a gateway to most of the central government jobs in India. The CGL Tier 2 stage is the most significant as it assesses candidates on their expertise in subjects like Quantitative Ability, English Language, Statistics, Reasoning,