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Quantitative Aptitude

Algebra (Linear Equations)-1

Algebra (Linear Equations), In this we are going to learn the solution of linear equations and problems related to it in Algebra. Questions are not directly asked from this topic but it would be very helpful in clearing the concepts. Let’s try to learn what equation is first and its Components. Equation: – A statement

Quantitative Aptitude

Ratio and Proportion

Ratio and Proportion, Let’s first understand what is Ratio and Proportion, when two or more similar quantities are compared, then to represent this comparison, ratios are used. The ratio between x and y can be represented as x:y, where x is called antecedent, and y is called the consequent. x:y or  x / y A

Quantitative Aptitude

Profit & Loss

To understand the concept of profit and loss, we first have to understand the concept of ‘Percentage’. Percentage, which is clear by name, implies “for every hundred”. This concept is actually developed to make the comparison of fractions easier by equalizing the denominators of all fractions to hundred. e.g. 1.  4/9 can be represented as,

Quantitative Aptitude


Calculations : Many of us have the same problem in exams, the calculations, tough and lengthy calculations. Sometimes we are stuck in a situation where we face problems like 27 × 64 or 342 and we really have no idea whether to do it manually or leave it because of a shortage of time.  So

Quantitative Aptitude


Simplifications In this section we are going to learn all about VBODMAS rule, what is it, where to use it along with some mind-blowing formulas which will transfer you in a human calculator. E.g.  221 ÷ 13 × √576 + (10)2 = ? We are completely clueless about where to start right now, so let’s

Quantitative Aptitude


Numbers. The basic pillar of Mathematics, the language of the universe. The thing which we learned in our first mathematics class. The thing we deal with, in our day-to-day life. The thing which is almost everywhere. So, just be with me in the entire session and see how these numbers are going to amaze you