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English Grammar

One-word Substitution

GK Aptitude Reasoning English One Word Substitution with Examples One word substitution is the use of one word in place of a wordy phrase in order to make the sentence structure clearer. The meaning, with the replacement of the phrase remains identical while the sentence becomes shorter. It is commonly used in English vocabulary to make

English Grammar

Match the Following

English Grammar: Match the following In this blog we will discuss important topic of English Grammar i.e. Match the Following. The matching should be done on the basis of Grammar and Meaning. All you need to do is make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence by joining the Rows of the two Columns. Let’s discuss some Strategies to solve it. PRE-REQUISITES Grammar Comprehension Question:

English Grammar


Fillers in English Grammar In this blog, we are going to discuss the Strategy on fillers. What are fillers? You will be given a sentence with One, Two or Three blanks with 4-5 options. In single fillers, there will be one word in each option. For double fillers, there will be two words while in triple fillers, three words will be provided

English Grammar


Voice in English grammar In this blog, we will discuss on Voice Let us first look at the domains where you could find questions from voices.1.    Error Spotting2.    Sentence Improvement3.    Fillers4.    Direct Questions Since we have discussed the questions from error spotting and fillers. Let us now look at the other two domains:  •    Sentence Improvement:

English Grammar


In this blog we will clear our conception on one of the part of speech i.e. VERB. Verb is used to signify the action, processes, conditions, or states of being of people or things. It is basically a word that characteristically is the grammatical center of a predicate and expresses an act, occurrence, or mode of being,

English Grammar


In this blog we will discuss important topic of English Grammar i.e. Pronouns. Now the question arises, why we use Pronouns? So, if nouns clearly represent the people, places, things or ideas that they are used for, why would we want to replace them with pronouns? The very basic purpose of pronouns is to avoid repetition and make sentences easy