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BLOOD RELATIONS or Blood Relationship

Blood-relation or Blood Relationship problems arises through the particular relations among family members. In general, the problems  contain three stages of family. It explains through a statement, and we must analyze the relation between them.

To solve such problems, we start from grand father or mother and classify into three stages. We represent male member by  □ and female member by O. In case of siblings we use—(dash) between them.

Example. In the family of A, B, C, D, E and F. There are (wo married couple. D is the grand-mother

of A and mother of B. C is the wife of B and mother of F. F is grand daughter of E and A is brother of F.

What is C to A?

Solution. We start from D as follows

 i.e. C is mother of A.

Some problems are also based on relationship between imaginary people. Several statements are given which may confuse a person and at times may also appear contradictory and false. The point is to look at each part of a given statement carefully, draw a diagram or table based on the statement(s) and arrive at a conclusion.


Mother’s or Father’s Son                                Brother

Mother’s or Father’s Daughter                       Sister

Mother’s or Father’s Brother             Uncle

 Mother’s or Father’s Sister                            Aunt

Mother’s or Father’s Father                           Grandfather

Mother’s or Father’s Mother             Grandmother

Son’s Wife                                                       Daughter-in-law

 Daughter’s Husband                                      Son-in-law

Husband’s or Wife’s Brother                          Brother-in-law

Broher’s Son                                                   Nephew

Brother’s Daughter                                         Niece

Uncle or Aunt’s Son or Daugther                    Cousin

 Sister’s Husband                                            Brother-in-law

Brother’s wife                                     Sister-in-law

Grandson’s or Grand Daughter’s Daughter    Great grand daughter

Remark. A relation on the mother’s side is called ‘maternal’ while that on father’s side is called ‘paternal’.

Thus, mother’s brother is ‘maternal uncle’ while father’s brother is ‘paternal uncle’.



     In this type of questions, a round-about description is given in the form of certain small relationships and direct relationship between the persons concerned is to be Deciphered.


     In this type, mutual blood relations or other informations of more than two persons are mentioned. While  attempting such questions the candidate has to analyse the given information.


Ex.1. A family has a man, his wife, their four sons and their wife. The family of every son also has 3 sons and one daughter. Find out the total number of male members in the family. –

(a) 4                 (b) 8                 (c) 12               (d) 17

Sol. The male members in the family are : (i) the man himself (ii) his four sons (iii) his (3 x 4) = 12 grandsons.

Hence, total number of male member = 1 + 4 + 12 = 17. so, the ans in (d).

Ex.2. A and B are brother’s  C and D are sisters. A’s son is D’s brother. How is B related to C.

(a) Father        (b) Brother      (c) Grandfather           d) Uncle           (e) None of these.

 Sol. Clearly, B is the brother of A, A’s son is D’s brother, this means D is the daughter of A. Since, C and D are  sisters, C is also the daughter of A.  Hence B is Uncle of C.

Ex.3. A is B’s sister,  C is B’s mother,  D is C’s Father. E is D’s mother. Then how is A related to D.

(a) Grandmother        (b) Grandfather          (c) Daughter    (d) Granddaughter

Sol. A is sister of B and B is son/daughter of C. So, A is the daughter of C. Also, D is the father of C. Thus, A is:   the grand daugther of D hence the ans is (d):


1. Pointing to a man, a woman said, “His mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How Is the

women related to the man?

(a) Mother      (b) Daughter   (c) Sister          (d) Grandmother        (e) None of these.

2. Pointing toward Rita, Nikhil said, “I am the only son of her mother’s son”.  How is rita related toNikhil ?

(a) Aunt           (b) Niece         (c) Mother       (d) Grand Mother

3. Pointing to a man on the stage, Rashi said, “He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my husband”.  How is the man on the stage is related to Rashi ?

(a) Son                         (b) Nephew     (c) Husband    (d) Brother-in-law      (e) Cousin

4. Looking at the portrait of  a man, Harsh said, “His mother is the wife of my father’s son. Brothers and sisters I have none none”.  At whose portait was Harsh looking ?

a) His son        (b) His Cousin c) His Uncle     d)His nephew              (e) None of these

5. Pointing to a man in a photograph, Asha said, “His mother’s only daughter is my mother”. How is Asha related to that man?

(a) Nephew     (b) Sister          (c) Wife           (d) Niece         (e) Either (a) or (d)

6. Deepak said to Nitin, “That boy playing football is the younger of the two brothers of the daughter

of my father’s wife”.  How is the boy playing football related to Deepak ?

(a) Son                         (b) Nephew     (c) Brother       (d) Brother-in-law      (e) Cousin

7. Pointing to the photograph, a person tells his friends, “She is the granddaughter of the elder brother of my father”.  How is the girl in the photograph related to this man ?

(a) Niece          (b) Sister          (c) Aunt           (d) Sister-in-law                      (e) Maternal Aunt

8. Aman said to a Lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my Aunt”.  How is the lady related to the man ?

(a) Daughter    (b) Granddaughter      (c) Mother       (d) Sister         (e) Aunt

9. Pointing to the woman in the picture, Rajiv said, “Her mother has only one grand child whose

mother is my wife”.  How is woman in the picture related to Rajiv ?

(a) Cousin        (b) Wife           (c) Sister          (d) Data inadequate   (e) None of these

10. Pointing out to a lady, a girl said, “She is the daughter-in-law of the grandmother of my father’s only son”.  How is the lady related to the girl ?

(a) Sister-in-law           (b) Mother      (c) Aunt           (d) Mother-in-law       (e) Cousin

11. Pointing to a man in a photograph, a woman said, “His brother’s father is the only son of my

grandfather”.  How is woman related to the man in the photograph ?

(a) Mother      (b) Aunt           (c) Sister          (d) Daughter               (e) Grandmother

12. Aman said to a lady, “Your mother’s husband’s sister is my Aunt”.  How is that lady related to that man ?

(a) Daughter    (b) Granddaughter      (c) Mother       (d) Sister

Directions (13 to 16): Read the statements carefully and choose the appropriate option as your answer.

13. In a joint family, there are father, mother, three married sons and one unmarried daughter. Of the Sons, two have 2 daughters each, one has a son. How many female members are there in a family.

 (a) 2                (b) 3                 (c) 6                 (d) 9

14. Deepak has a brother anil. Deepak is son of Prem. Then Bimal is prem’s Father. In terms of relationship, what is Anil of Bimal ?

(a) Son                         (b) Grandson               (c) Brother                   (d) Grandfather

15. Q’s mother is sister of P and daughter of M. S is daughter of P and sister of T. How is M related to T ?

(a) Grandmother        (b) Father        (c) Grandfather           (d) Grandfather or Grandmother

(e) None of these.

16. D, is the son-in-law of B, is the brother-in-law of A who is the brother of C. How is A related to B ?

(a) Brother      (b) Son  (c) Father       (d) Data inadequate   (e) None of these.

Directions (17 to 20): Read the information given below and answer the question that follow

(i) In a family of 6 perosns A, B, C, D, E and F, there are two married couple.

(ii) D is grandmother of A and mother of B.

(iii) C is wife of B and mother of F

(iv) F is the granddaughter of E.

17. What is C to A ? a

(a) Daughter    (b) Grandmother        (c) Mother       (d) Can’t be determined        

(e) None of these.

18. How many male members are there in the family ?

(a) 2     (b) 3     (c) 4     (d) can’t be determined                     (e) None of these

19. Which of the following is true ?

(a) A is brother of F                 (b) D has two grandsons

(c) A is sister of F                     (d) B has two daughters

 (e) None of these

20. Who among the following is one of the couples ?

(a) C and D      (b) D and E      (c) E and B       (d) Can’t be determined         (e) None of these

Directons (21 to 24) : From the given statements solve the following questions.

(i) There are six members A, B, C, D, E and F.

(ii) C is sister of F.

(iii) B is brother of E’s husband.

(iv) D is the father of A and Grandfather of F.

(v) There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in the family.

(vi) B is not brother of D.

(vii) D is Grandfather of F and Father of A who is not Brother of B.

21. How F is related to E ?

(a) Daughter                (b) Husband    (c) Son            (d) Uncle

22. Who is E’s husband ?

(a) A                 (b) B                (c) C                 (d) F

23. Who is the mother ?

(a) A                 (b) B                (c) D                             (d) E

24. Which of the following is group of brothers ?

(a) A, B, D                    (b) A, B, F                     (c) B, D, F                     (d) B, F.C


1. (a)    2.(a)     3.(a)       4.(d)    5.(d)    6.(c)     7. (a)    8.(d)     9.(b)     10.(b)

11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (d) 19. (e) 20.(b)

21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (b)


Direction (1-3): Read the following information carefully, And answer the following questions given below.

There are eight family members i.e. Johny, Watson, David, Diamond, Daizy, Daniel, Romen and Michal.

Watson is the brother of David who is mother of Daizy. Daniel is the sister of Datzy. Daizy is married to Johny. Johny is sister in law of Daniel. Daniel married to Michal who is son of Diamond. Johny is daughter of Roman.

1. How is Daizy related to Roman?

(a) Son                         (b) Daughter   (c) Son in law (d) Daughter in law     (e) None of these

2. How is Watson related to Michal?

(a) Father        (b) Brother-in-law       (c) Father-in-law         (d) Daughter in law

(e) Brother of mother-in-law

3. How many male member are there in the family?

(a) 2                 (b) 3                 (c) 4                 (d) 5                 (e) Can’t be determined

Direction (4-7): Read the given information carefully and answer the given questions.

There are seven members in a family namely L5, M5, NS, I5, J5, KS and OS. All of them related with each

other in a order. Also each member has a different age. The information is given as- L5 ts older than MS but younger than J5. The third oldest person in the family is 38 year old. M5 is the sister of L5. NS is the fatherof LS. The third youngest person of the family is 35 year old. OS is the oldest person of the family. M3 is theniece of K5. J5 is younger than N5. KS is the husband of JS. OS and I5 are married couple. N3’s mother is 69 year old. NS is younger than KS. Oldest person of the family is male member.

4. If total age of I5 and MS is 75 year, then what is age of M5?

(a) 40 year       (b) 37 year       (c) 6 year         (d) None of these                   (e) 10 year

5. How is I5 related to L5?

(a) Grandfather (b) Mother    (c) Can’t be determined          (d) Grandmother        (e) Father

6. Who among the following person is 35 year old?

(a) L5               (b) JS                (c) K5               (d) N5              (e) 15

7. What is possible age of N5?

(a) 52 year       (b) 39 year       (c) 37 year       (d) 29 year      (e) None of these

Direction(8-12): Read the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

There are ten members in a family – Manoj, Manav, Bains, Seema, Nandi, Suniana, Rohit, Neeya, Kajal and Aman. It is a three genéfations family and there are three couples in the family, Manoj is Rohit’s grandmother.  Suniana is Manav’s son in law. Manav is a male member in the family. Bains is the husband of Seema. Nandi is the daughter of Manav and has two children, a brother, a niece and a nephew. Rohit is the brother of Neeya who is a female. Kajal is the sister of Aman who is the son of Nandi.

8. What is the relationship between Manav and Bains?

(a) Father and son       (b) Father and daughter         (c) Brothers     (d) Cousins

(e) Grandfather and Grandson

9. Who among the following is Niece of Nandi?

(a) Kajal           (b) Neeya        (c) Seema        (d) Manoj        (e) Rohit

10. Who is Nephew of Nandi?

(a) Neeya         (b) Kajal           (c) Seema        (d) Rohit          (e) Manoj

11. What is the relationship between Aman and Suniana?

(a) Son and Father      (b) Daughter and Father         (c) Brothers     (d) Cousins

(e) Grandfather and Grandson

12. What is the relationship of Manav with Rohit?

(a) Father        (b) Maternal Grandfather                  (c) Brothers     (d) Grandmother

(e) Paternal Grandfather

Direction(13-15): Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below A

There are thirteen members in a family from four generations. There are four couples and each couple has only two children of different gender. Caty is the aunt of Guri. Binu and Guri are siblings. Aruhi is the daughter of Caty. Farooq is the husband of Hima. Lovely is the grandmother of Ekum, who is the son of Manu. Lovely is the mother-in-law of Farooq. Ina is the aunt of Manu, who ts the son of Dina. Oram is the father-in-law of Lovely. Ina is the daughter of Koma.

13. How Binu is related to Dina?

(a) Son   (b) Daughter (c) Grandson   (d) Granddaughter     (e) Cannot be determined

14. How Caty is related to Farooq?

(a) Sister          (b) Mother-in-law       (c) Sister-in-law           (d) Mother       (e) Aunt

15. If Ina is married to Jony, then how Jony is related to Oram?

(a) Brother-in-law       (b) Son-in-law             (c) Uncle          (d) Father-in-law

(e) Father

Directions (16-18): Read the following information carefully. And answer the following questions given below

There are 7 members in a family, 3 males and 4 females. They are Neo, Rap, Ram, Kal, Sana, Kol, and Rink. Therel are 3 couples. Rap is a dancer and father of Sana. Kol is an Agent and paternal grandfather of Sana. Ram who is ai housewife, is the daughter-in-law of Kal. Sana is not married. Rink is a Teacher and uncle of Sana. There is an Actor, a Journalist and a Reporter. Ram is not the mother of Sana. Kal is not married to Rap.

16. If the Journalist doesn’t have any child then who is the Journalist?

(a) Neo                        (b) Kal               (c) Sana          (d) Either (b) or (c)      (e) None of these

17. What is the occupation of the daughter-in-law of Kol, if Kol is the grandfather of the Journalist?

(a) Reporter    (b) Agent         (c) Teacher      (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

18. If Kal is a Journalist and the reporter is not a male, then what is the occupation of Sana?

(a) Actor          (b) Reporter    (c) Agent –       (d) Cannot be determined      (e) None of these


1. (c)    2. (e)    3. (e)    4. (c)    5. (d)    6. (b)    7. (c)    8. (a)    9. (b)    10. (d)

11. (a) 12. (e) 13. (e) 14.(c)   15. (6) 16 (c)   17.(d)   18.(d)


In such questions, relationships are represented by certain codes or symbols such as +, —, X, —, *, ∆, etc. Then relationship between certain persons given in the form of these codes are to be analyed.


Ex.1. Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below :

(i) A x B means “A is the brother of B”           (ii) A + B means “B is the father of A”

(ii) A + B means “A is sister of B”                    (iv) A — B means “A is the mother of B”

1. Which of the following means Q is the paternal uncle of K

(A)  K x P ÷ M x  Q        (B) K x  B ÷ N x Q x D    (c) Q x L ÷ R x K

(a) Only A        (b) Only B        (c) Only C         (d) Both A and B   (e) None of these

2. Which of the following statement is/are super fluous to answer the above question

(a) (i) only        (b) (ii) only       (c) (iii) only      (d) only (iii) & (iv)        (e) none of these

Sol. 1 (A): ‘K x P ÷ M x Q’ means K is the brother of P whose father is M, who is the brother of Q. Thus, K is the child of M who is the brother of Q. So Q may be the paternal uncle or Aunt of K.

(B) ‘K x B ÷ N x Q x D’ menas K is the brother of B, whose father is N, who is the brother of Q, who in tum is the brother of D. Thus, N is the father of K and Q is the brother of N. So, Q is the paternal uncle of K.

(C)‘Q x L ÷ R x K’ means Q is the brother of L whose father is R, who is the brother of K thus, R is the father of Q and R is the brother of K. So, K may be the paternal uncle or Aunt of Q. Thus, only (B) represents the  correct relation. Hence the answer is B.

2. Clearly, we used only I and II to answer the above questions while III and IV are superfluous. Hence ans is (d).


Directions (1 to 4): Read the following information and answer the questions piven below.

A+B means ‘A is the daughter of B’: Ax B means ‘A is the son of B’ ; A— B means ‘Ais the wifeofB’;

1. If Px Q—S, which of the following is true?

(a)  S is wife of Q          (b) S is father of P      (c) P is daughter of Q  (d) Q is father of P

(e) None of these

2. If P—S x B—M, which of the following is not true ?

(a) B is mother of S      (b) M is husband of B             (c) P is wife of S

(d) S is daughter of B  (e) S is son of B.

3. IF Z x T – S  x U +P. What is U to Z?

(a) Mother      (b) Grandmother        (c) Father        (d) Can’t be determined

(e) None of these

4. If P x Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’

        P + Q means ‘P is the father of Q’ ;

        P + Q means P is the mother of Q ;

        P —Q means ‘P is the brother of Q’; .

then in expression ‘A + B + C – E x F’ How is A related to F ?

(a) Mother      (b) Aunt           (c) Daughter-in-law     (d) Sister-in-law                      (e) None of these

Directions (5 to 7) : Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

If ‘A + Blimeans ‘A is the father of B’

If ‘A  B’ means ‘A is the brother of B’

If ‘A * B’ means ‘A is the daughter of B’

If ‘A x B’ means ‘A is the sister of B’

If ‘A # B’ means ‘A is the son of B’

If ‘A @ B’ means ‘A is the wife of B’

5. In equation ‘1 + 5 x 8 @ 3’ how is 1 related to 3?

(a) Uncle          (b) Niece         (c) Father-in-law         (d) Brother      (c) Son-in-law

6. In equation ‘1 x 2 @ 3 + 4 – 1” how is 4 related to 1?

(a) Nephew     (b) Husband    (c) Uncle          (d) Father        (e) Mother

7. In equation ‘I + J < K # 1”  how is 1 related to I?

(a) Brother      (b) Niece         (c) Husband    (d) Son                         (e) Wife

Directions (8 to 10) : Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow.

A + B means ‘A’ is the daughter of B ; ‘A— B’ means ‘A is the husband of B ; A x B means A is the brother of B

8. If P+ Q—R, which of the following is true ?

(a) R is the mother of P                                   (b) R is sister in law of P

(c) R is the aunt of P                            (d) R is mother in law of P

9. If P x Q+ R, which of the following is true ?

(a) P is the brother of R                                  (b) P is the uncle of R

(c) P is the son of R                             (d) P is the father of R

10. If P+ Q X R, which of the following is true ?

(a) P is the niece of R                          (b) P is the daughter of R

(c) P is the cousin of R                                     (d) P is the daughter of law of R

11. ‘P—Q’ means ‘P is the mother of Q’ ;  ‘P * Q’ means ‘P is the father of Q’ and ‘P + Q’ means P is the daughter of Q’. Now if M—N x T + Z, then which of the following is not true ?

(a) T is N’s daughter                (b) N is wife of Z          (c) M is mother in law of Z

(d) T is grand-daughter of M

Directions (12 to 15): Read the information given below to answer the question that follow:

(i)  ‘P x Q’ means ‘Q is mother of P’ ; (ii) ‘P + Q’ means ‘P is brother of Q’ ;

(iii) ‘P —-Q’ means ‘P ts sister of Q’; (iv) ‘P | Q’ means ‘Q is father of P’.

12. Which of the following definitely means ‘X is grandson of D’ ?

(a) X x H ÷ D                (b) A + X x H ÷ D          (c) A –  X x H ÷ D          (d) Can’t be determined

(e) None of these

13. Which of the following statements is superflouos to answer the above questions

(a) (1) only                   (b) (ii) only                   (c) (iii) only                  (d) (iv)only

(e) none of these

14. If A $ B means “A is brother of B’ ; A @ B means ‘A is wife of B’

A # B means “A is daughter of B’ ; A £ B means ‘A is father of B’

Then which of the following expression indicate the relationship of ‘K is father-in-law’ of H?

(a) H @ J $ L # P £ K    (b) H @ J $ P £ L # K    (c) H @ J $ L # K £ P     (d) H @ P $ J £ L # K                     

(e) None of these

Directions (15-19): Study the following information and answer the questions given below.

P = Q means ‘Q is father of P’ ;           P * Q means ‘P is sister of Q’

P ? Q means ‘Q is mother of P’;           P $ Q means ‘P is brother of Q’

P £ Q means ‘Q is son of P’;                 P x  Q means ‘P is the daughter of Q’

15. Which of the following is not correct ?

(a) R x S ? T means ‘R is grand daughter of T’

(b) P = Q ? R means ‘R is grand mother of P’

(c) L $ M * O means ‘O is the sibling of L’

(d) M * O £ P ~ Q means ‘Q and O are husband and wife’

(e) All are correct

16. Which of the following is correct ?

(a) V x T * P means ‘P is the maternal uncle of V’

(b) D ? V x T means ‘D is the grand mother of T’

(c) L £ M $ R means ‘R is the paternal uncle of L’

(d) M £ R* D ? V means ‘M is the son of V’

(e) None is correct

17. Which of the following indicates ‘A is the grandfather of B’ ?

(a) M x A = N =B          (b) B $ L x Q x A          (c) B x L x A      (d) L* B = S $ Q = A

(e) None of these

18. Which of the following means ‘F is the paternal uncle of G’ ?

(a)G x L $ F $ N            (b)N $ F $ L x G                        (c) G x M * F $ L          (d) L = F $ Q £ G

(e) None of these

19. S x M * B £ L = F  ? Q revelas which of the following relations ?

(a) F and B are brother and sister                   (b) B is the paternal uncle of S

(c) L is the grand daughter of Q                                  (d) M is the maternal aunt of L

(e) None of these above relations gets revealed.

Directions (20 to 23) : A, B, C, D, E and F are a group of friends. There are two housewives, one professor, one engineer, one lawyer and one accountant in the group. The lowyer is married to D, who is a housewife. No womenin the group is either an engineer or an accountant. C, the accountant is married to F who is professor. A is married to a house wife. E is neither a housewife nor a lawyer.

20. Which of the following is one of the married couples ?

(a) A and B      (b) B and E                   (c) D and E       (d) A and D      (e) None of these

21. What is E’s profession ?

(a) Engineer     (b) Lawyer       (c) Professor    (d) Accountant            (e) None of these

22. How many members of group are males ?

(a) 1                 (b) 3                 (c) 4                 (d) Data inadequate   (e) None of these

Directions (23 to 26): There is a family of six persons P, Q, R, S, T and U. They are Engineer, Doctor, Teacher,  Salesman, Manager and Lawyer.

(i) There are two married couples in the family.

(ii) The manager is the grand father of U, who is an engineer.

(iii) R, the Salesman is married to the lady teacher.

(iv) Q is the mother of U and T.

(v) The doctor S is married to the manager.

23. How many male members are there in the family ?

(a) Two            (b) Three         (c) Four            (d) Data inadequate   (e) None of these

24. How is Prelated to T ?

(a) Father        (b) Grandfather          (c) Mother       (d) Grand Mother (e) None of these

25. What is the profession of P ?

(a) Lawyer       (b) Lawyer or Teacher             (c) Manager    (d) None          (e) None of these

26. Who are the two married couples in the family ?

(a) PQ and SR (b) RUand ST   (c) PT and SR   (d) PS and RQ (e) None of these

Directions (27-30): Read the following information carefully to answer the given questions.

(1) 10 % 20 means 10 is the father of 20.

(ii) 10 @ 20 means 10 is the sister of 20.

(itt) 10 $ 20 means 10 is the brother of 20.

(iv) 10* 20 means 10 is the son of 20.

(v) 10 #20 means 10 is the wife of 20.

27. In the expression 13 $ 9 % 10 # 6 * 8 @ 14, how is 10 related to 13 ?

(a) Aunt           (b) Mother      (c) Sister          (d) Sister in law           (e) Niece

28. In the expression 13 @ 14 * 26 # 12 * 10 $ 9, how is 10 related to 13?

(a) Aunt           (b) Uncle         (c) Sister          (d) Grand father          (e) Cousin

29. Which of the following relation shows ‘16 is daughter in law of 22’ ?

(a) 21 @ 16 $ 23 % 22 # 26 * 12                     (b) 12 @ 26 * 16 # 21 $ 23 * 22

(c) 26 % 12 * 16 @ 23 # 22 $21                                  (d) 16 # 23 $ 26 @ 22 * 21% 12

(e) None of these

30. Which of the following symbol is used if ’12 is nephew of 8′ is true in the relation 11 % 12_9@8#10?

(a) 4                 (b) %                (c) *                 (d) @               (e) $

Directions (31-35): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions: ot

If  ‘1 → 3’ means ‘1 is the husband of 3’

If  ‘1 + 3’ means ‘1 is the father of 3’

If  ‘1 # 3’ means ‘1 is the mother of 3’.

If ‘1 @ 3′ means ‘1 is the brother of 3’

If ‘1 ÷ 3′ means’1 is the sister of 3’

If ‘1 ! 3′ me:ns ‘1 is the son of 3’

If ‘1 ↔ 3’ means ‘1 is the daughter of 3’

If ‘1 & 3′ means ‘1 is the wife of 3’

31. If  ‘1 ! 2 # 3 + 4’ is given, then how is 1 related to 4?

(a) Father        (b) Uncle         (c) Brother       (d) Son             (e) Dauthter

 32. What does ‘5 @ 6 & 7+ 8’ means?

(a) 8 is the niece of 5  (b) 8 is the nephew of 5                      (c) 5 is the paternal uncle of 8

(d) 8 is the father of 5                         (e) None of these

33. What does ‘9 + 10  ↔11 ↔ 12 → 13’ means?

(a) 9 is the son of 13               (b) 9 is the nephew of 13        (c) 13 is the father-in-law of 9

(d) 9 is the son-in-law of 13    (e) None of these

34. 1f  ’16 ÷  17 ! 18 @ 19′ and ’20 & 19’ is given, then which of the following statement is true?

(a) 19 is the aunt of 16           (b) 17 is the niece of 19          (c) 19 is the father of 16 and 17

(d) 16 is the niece of 19                      (e) 19 is the father of 16

35. If  ’23 ↔ 24 ! 25 # 26′ is given, then which of the following is definitely true?

(a) 26 is the uncle of 23          (b) 23 is the niece of 26                      (c) 23 is the daughter of 26

(d) 23 is the son of 26             (e) 26 is the husband of 23


1. (b)    2.(d)     3.(b)     4.(e)     5.(c)      6.(a)    7.(e)     8. (a)    9. (c)    10. (a)

11.(b) 12. (e) 13.)       14.(c) 15. (e) 16. (e)  17.(d)  18. (a) 19. (d) 20. (d)

21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (d) 27. (e) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (c)

31, (b) 32. (e)  33. (d) 34. (d)  35. (b)