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idioms and phrases MCQ for bank exams

MCQ Idioms & Phrases
  1. Ram is very calculative and always has an axe to grind.
    a) fails to arouse interest
    b) has a private agenda
    c) works for both sides
    d) has no result

Solution: (b)
Idiom have an axe to grind means :
to have private reasons for being involved in something or for arguing for a particular cause.
  1. There is no gainsaying the fact that the country is in difficulties.
    a) denying
    b) hiding
    c) forgetting
    d) ignoring

Solution: (a)
Idiom Gainsay (verb) means :
to disagree; to deny.
  1. On the issue of marriage, Sarita put her foot down.
    a) walked fast
    b) was firm
    c) got down
    d) stood up

Solution: (b)
Idiom put your foot down means :
to be very strict in opposing what somebody wishes to do; to drive faster.
  1. The police looked all over for him but drew a blank.
    a) arrested him
    b) took him to court
    c) did not find him
    d) put him in prison

Solution: (c)
Idiom draw a blank means:
to get no response or result
  1. His investments helped him make a killing in the stock market
    a) lose money quickly
    b) murder someone quickly
    c) plan a murder quickly
    d) make money quickly

Solution: (d)
Idiom make a killing means :
to make a lot of money quickly.
  1. His speech has taken the wind out of my sails.
    a) made me remember my past
    b) made me think for the future
    c) made me depressed
    d) made my words or actions ineffective

Solution: (d)
Idiom take the wind out of somebody’s sails means :
to make somebody suddenly less confident or angry when you say or do something that they do not expect.
  1. There is no point in discussing the new project with him as he always pours cold water on any ideas.
    a) puts off
    b) dislikes
    c) disapproves of
    d) postpones

Solution: (c)
Idiom pour/throw cold water on something means :
to give reasons for not being in favour of something; to criticize something
  1. Regadless of what her parents said, she wanted to let her hair down that night.
    a) really enjoy
    b) wash her hair
    c) comb her hair
    d) work till late

Solution: (a)
Idiom let your hair down means :
to relax and enjoy your-self especially in a lively way
  1. I jumped out of my skin when the explosion happened.
    a) was in panic
    b) was excited
    c) was nervous
    d) was angry

Solution: (a)
Idiom jump out of your skin means :
to move violently because of a sudden shock.
  1. She didn’t realize that the clever salesman was taking her for a ride.
    a) trying to trick her
    b) taking her in a car
    c) pulling her a long
    d) forcing her to go with him

Solution: (a)
Idiom take somebody for a ride means :
to cheat or trick somebody