One who is motivated by the desire sensual pleasure A) Heretic. B) Recluse. C) Sadist. D) Hedonist.
Answer: Option D
Solution: One word substitute is Hedonist
Heretic: a person whose religious beliefs are believed to be wrong or evil
Recluse: a person who lives alone and who maintains very little contact with other people or society
Sadist: a person who gets pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, from hurting other people
Hedonist: a person who believes that pleasure is the most important thing in life
Somniloquist is one who – A) Talks in sleep. B) Walks in sleep. C) Laughs in sleep. D) Sings in sleep.
Answer: Option A
Solution: One word substitute is Talks in sleep
Somniloquist: One who speaks or talks while asleep.
Necrophilia is – A) Fear of darkness.. B) A skin disease. C) Love for the dead bodies. D) Fascination with dead bodies.
Answer: Option D
Solution: One word substitute is Fascination with dead bodies
Necrophilia: Fascination with death and dead bodies; esp. sexual attraction to, or intercourse with, dead bodies.
An animal with four legs is a A) Quadruple. B) Quadruplet. C) Quadruped. D) Quadratic.
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Quadruped
Quadruple: A fourfold number or amount; a quantity four times as great as another. Also: a set of four things or parts
Quadruplet: Each of four children (or offspring of an animal) present in or produced from a single pregnancy
Quadruped: An animal which has four feet; esp. a mammal.
Quadratic: Mathematics. Of the second degree; involving the second power (square) and no higher power of an unknown quantity or of a variable
Omnipotent is one who – A) Knows all. B) Prevails everywhere. C) Is all powerful. D) Is competent in every area.
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Is all powerful
Omnipotent: having total authority; having the ability or skill to do everything
A piece of a living tissue or plant that is transplanted surgically A. Gratis B. Gourmet C. Gracious D. Graft
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Graft
Gratis: done or given free of charge
Gourmet: being high quality, expensive, or specialty food typically requiring elaborate and expert preparation
Gracious: a person or his/her behaviour (kind, polite and generous)
Graft: a piece of a living plant that is fixed onto another plant so that it will grow
Feeling or showing extreme tiredness A. Vitalised B. Nervous C. Weary D. Drowsy
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Weary
Vitalised: give strength and energy to.
Nervous: frightened or worried about something that is happening or might happen, and show this in their behaviour
Weary: very tired, especially after you have been doing something for a long time
Drowsy: Inclined to sleep, esp. at a time when one wishes, or ought, to be awake; heavy with sleepiness; half asleep, dozing.
A person in love with himself A. Narcissist B. Lunatic C. Stoic D. Polyglot
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Narcissist
Narcissist: A person characterized by narcissism; an excessively self-admiring person.
Lunatic: Of a person: showing signs or symptoms of serious mental illness (in early use spec. of a type characterized by periods of remission and relapse
Stoic: One who practises repression of emotion, indifference to pleasure or pain, and patient endurance.
Polyglot: Of a person: that speaks, writes, or understands a number of languages. Also in extended use
Giving the worrying impression that something bad is going to happen A. Desolate B. Suspicious C. Ominous D. Bleak
Answer: Option C
Solution: One word substitute is Ominous
Desolate: lonely, very unhappy and without hope
Suspicious: that makes you feel that something is wrong, dishonest or illegal
Ominous: suggesting that something bad is going to happen
Bleak: bad; not encouraging or hopeful
Plants of a particular region A. Flora B. Flinch C. Fauna D. Flotsam
Answer: Option A
Solution: One word substitute is Flora
Flora : all the plants growing in a particular area
Flinch: to avoid doing something because it is unpleasant
Fauna: A collective term for the animals or animal life of any particular region or epoch
Flotsam: people or things that have been rejected or discarded as worthless