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Blood Relation questions with answers

Solve the following MCQ on Blood Relations

  1. A is the brother of B. A is the brother of C. To find what is the relation between B and C. What minimum information from the following is necessary?
    (i) Gender of C (ii) Gender of B

(a) Only (i) (b) Only(ii) (c) Either (i) or (ii) (d) both (i) and (ii)

Correct Answer: d
Without knowing the sex of C, we can’t be determined whether B is sister of C or B is brother of C. Similalrly without knowing the sex of B we can’t be determined whether C is sister of B or C is brother of B. Therefore, both (i) and (ii) are necessary.
  1. Pointing to a girl, Abhishek said, “She is daughter of the only child of my father”. How is Abhishek’s wife related to that girl?

(a) Daughter (b) Mother (c) Aunt (d) Sister

Correct Answer: b
Girl is daughter of the only child of Abhishek’s father or, Girl is daughter of Abhishek.
Hence, girl is daughter of Abhishek’s wife.
  1. Introducing Sarita, Meena said, “She is the only daughter of my father’s only daughter”. How is Meena related to Sarita?

(a) Niece (b) Cousin (c) Aunt (d) None of these

Correct Answer: d
Meena’s father only daughter is Meena.
Herself hence, sarita is only daughter of Meena or Meena is the mother of Sarita.
  1. A and B are married couple. X and Y are brothers. X is the brother of A. How is Y related to B?

(a) Brother-in-law (b) Brother (c) Son-in-law (d) Cousin

Correct Answer: a
X and Y are brothers and
X is brother of A ⇒ Y is brother of A.
⇒ Y is brother-in-law of B.
  1. A is the son of C; C and Q are sisters; Z is the mother of Q and P is the son of Z. Which of the following statements is true?

(a) P and A are cousins
(b) P is the maternal uncle of A
(c) Q is the maternal grandfather of A
(d) C and P are sisters

Correct Answer: b
C and Q are sisters and A is the son of C.
Hence, C is the mother of A or Z is the mother Q.
Hence, Z is the maternal grandmother of A.
P is the son of Z. Hence, P is the maternal uncle of A.