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mcq on Climate of India for ssc cgl

MCQ on Climate of India for ssc cgl exam

Heavy rainfall during the months of October and November is received by

(a) Gharo, Khasi and Jaintia hills

(b) Chota Nagpur Plateau

(c) Coromandel Coast

(d) Malwa Plateau

Solution: (c)
The Coromandal Coast of Tamil Nadu receives heavy rainfall from the retreating monsoon winds as the retreating winds are moisture laden. It falls in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats, and receives a good deal less rainfall during the summer southwest monsoon, which contributes heavily to rainfall in the rest of India.

Nagpur gets scanty rainfall because it is located with reference to Sahyadri Mountains, towards

(a) windward side

(b) seaward side

(c) onshore side

(d) leeward side

Solution: (d)
Nagpur falls in a rain-shadow region (leeward side of mountain) of the Sahyadri mountain range (Western Ghats). The windward side receives abundant rainfall from the moisture laden winds, while dry moisture-less winds characterize the other side

‘Summer Monsoons’ in India bring rainfall to

(a) Southern-eastern tip

(b) Western Coast

(c) North-western India

(d) Eastern Coast

Solution: (b)
Summer monsoon (May to September) experiences South Western monsoon. The Western Ghats are the first highlands of India that the SW Monsoon winds encounter. The presence of abundant highlands like the Western Ghats and the Himalayas right across the path of the SW Monsoon winds are the main cause of the substantial orographic precipitation all over the Indian subcontinent. The Western Ghats rise very abruptly from the Western Coastal Plains of the subcontinent making effective orographic barriers for the Monsoon winds.

Which of the following two States are prone to cyclones during the retreating Monsoon season?

(a) Karnataka and Kerala

(b) Punjab and Haryana

(c) Bihar and Assam

(d) Andhra Pradesh and Orissa

Solution: (d)
The retreat of the Monsoon which generally occurs between September and November brings with it another peak in cyclone origination, noted for its predilection toward violent cyclone strikes. The cyclones develop in the Bay of Bengal and move from the northeast to the southwest, causing heavy rainfall and loss of life and property in Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and West Bengal. Tamil Nadu receives heavy rainfall from these winds as the retreating monsoon winds are moisture laden.

The period by which the entire country in India comes under southwest monsoon is

(a) l st – l0th June

(b) l0th – 20th June

(c) 20th – 30th June

(d) lst – 15th July

Solution: (d)
The southwestern summer monsoons occur from June through September. June 1 is regarded as the date of onset of the monsoon in India, as indicated by the arrival of the monsoon in the southernmost state of Kerala. It usually arrives in Mumbai approximately 10 days later, reaches Delhi by the end of June, and covers the rest of India by mid-July.

‘Kalbaisakhi’ is a kind of

(a) cropping pattern

(b) ritual practiced in Kerala

(c) cyclonic storm

(d) None of these

Solution: (c)
Often during early summer, dusty squalls followed by spells of thunderstorm and heavy rains lash Assam and West Bengal, bringing relief from the humid heat. These thunderstorms are convective in nature and are locally known as Kal Baisakhi or calamity of the month of Baisakh.

The South West monsoon engulfs entire India by

(a) 5th June

(b) 15th June

(c) 1st July

(d) 15th July

Solution: (d)
Derived from the Arabic word ‘mausam’, monsoon implies a seasonal reversal in wind direction. These changes lead to changes in the seasonal distribution of rainfall and temperature. Although the Andaman & Nicobar Islands receive monsoon as early as mid-May, the southwest monsoon enters the subcontinent’s mainland through the Kerala coast. The monsoon then gets divided into two parts: the Arabian Sea branch and the Bay of Bengal branch. It normally reaches Mangalore on the west coast and Vishakhapatnam on the east coast within four days. Both the branches move to reach Mumbai and Kolkata on average between June 10 and 13. The monsoon crosses Varanasi, Ahmedabad and Bhopal by June 15. Agra has to wait for another five days and Delhi by June 29. The two branches merge over Punjab and Himachal. By mid-July the southwest monsoon engulfs the entire subcontinent.

The area with an annual rainfall of less than 50 cm in a year is

(a) Meghalaya

(b) Leh in Kashmir

(c) Coromandel coast

(d) Konkan coast

Solution: (b)
Rainfall distribution in India is uneven. Areas of Inadequate Rainfall (it implies rainfall less than 50 cm a year): There are basically two belts that receive inadequate rainfall. These belts are of small extent and some parts of these belts receive exceptionally very low rainfall. Like for instance, the Karakoram Mountains and area lying to the north of the Zanskar Himalaya range. This region is situated in the north of the Himalayas. It, therefore, receives little rainfall during the summer monsoon rainy season. Further, a little rainfall is also caused in the months of January, February and March by the westerly depressions.

Rajasthan receives very little rain because—

(a) it is too hot

(b) there is no water available and thus the winds remain dry

(c) the monsoon fails to reach this area

(d) the winds do not come across any barriers to cause the necessary uplift to cool the wind

Solution: (d)
Rainfall decreases as winds move westwards up the Ganga Plains. Rajasthan receives very little rain as it lies in the rain-shadow of the Aravali Hills. The climate of Rajasthan varies greatly throughout the state. It is very hot and dry in summer in the desert areas, where dust storms also occur, while it is very cold during the winters. To the west of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by low rainfall with erratic distribution, extremes of diurnal and annual temperatures, low humidity and high wind velocity. While in the east of the Aravali range, the weather is characterized by relatively low wind velocity and high humidity with better rainfall.

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