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MCQ on industries for SSC CHSL

mcq on industries for ssc chsl exam

India has attained self-sufficiency in the production of

(a) Iron

(b) Coal

(c) Manganese

(d) Nickel

Solution: (b)
India has the 4th largest coal reserves in the world. Indian mineral industry has contributed significantly to make the nation self-sufficient in coal. To meet the demands of thermal, cement and other users, the production trends in coal and lignite sectors have shown a remarkable increasing trend.

It forms the bedrock of all industrial activities and is considered the “mother industry”.

(a) Petro-chemical industry

(b) Cement industry

(c) Iron and Steel industry

(d) Fertilizer industry

Solution: (c)
Industrialization, in its crudest meaning, entails iron and steel industry. This industry formed the foundation of the Industrial Revolution in England and the later dissemination to other countries. It is one of the most essential industries which propel industrial development.

Industries like electronics and biotechnology which are at the forefront of development are called?

(a) Sunlight industries

(b) Starstruck industries

(c) Sunshine Industries

(d) Sunrise industries

Solution: (d)
Sunrise industry is a colloquial term for a sector or business that is in its infancy, but is growing at a rapid pace. A sunrise industry is typically characterized by high growth rates, numerous start-ups and an abundance of venture capital funding. A sunrise industry is often characterized by a high degree of innovation, and its rapid emergence may threaten to push into obsolescence a competing industry sector that is already in decline. So electronics and biotechnology can be characterized as sunrise industries.

Where in India is the biggest steel manufacturer in the world (L.N. Mittal Group) setting up a steel plant?

(a) Jharkhand

(b) Bihar

(c) Orissa

(d) Chhattisgarh

Solution: (a)
Arcelor MIttal is setting up a 12-mtpa greenfield project in Jharkhand. It will come up at Sindri in Dhanbad district which has the sick Fertiliser Corporation of India (FCI) plant spread over 6,000 acre.

India has a monopoly in the International market in the supply of

(a) Iron

(b) Mica

(c) Bauxite

(d) Copper

Solution: (b)
India produces approximate 90 % of the world`s mica. It is an indispensable component of the electrical industry. India accounts for 60 % of mica embarking in international trade.