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State Executive MCQ (Assembly, Governor & Chief Minister)

Practice multiple-choice questions on the State Executive (Assembly, Governor & Chief Minister) of the Indian Constitution. This page contains State Executive MCQs of Indian Polity for competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC GD, SSC MTS, Judicial Services, Police (SI/Constables), CLAT, CDS, AFCAT, NDA, CAPF, and other exams.

Answer the following Objective Questions on State Executive

How many members of the State Legislative Council are elected by the Assembly ?

(1) 1/6 of the members

(2) 1/3 of the members

(3) 1/12 of the members

(4) 5/6 of the members

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

The Legislative Council or the Vidhan Parishad is the Upper Chamber of the State Legislature. As mentioned in the constitution the total membership of the Legislative Council shall not be less than forty and more than one third of the total number of members of the Legislative Assembly of the concerned state. One-third of the members of this House are elected by the Legislative Assembly from amongst persons who are not its members. One-third of its members “are elected by the local bodies like Munici-palities or District Boards or any other local authority as specified by the law of the Parliament. One-twelfth of the members are elected by graduates of at least three years standing. One-twelfth of the members are elected by teachers of secondary schools having at least three years experience. About one-sixth of the members are nominated by the Governor from among persons possessing special knowledge and experience in the field of art, science, literature, social service and cooperative movement.

2. The Legislative Council in a State in India may be created or abolished by the

(1) President on the recommendation of the Governor

(2) Parliament

(3) Parliament after the State Legislative Assembly passes a resolution to that effect.

(4) Governor on a recommendation by the State Cabinet

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

The Vidhan Parishad (or Legislative Council) is the upper house in those states of India that have a bicameral legislature. As of 2011, six (out of twentyeight) states have a Legislative Council: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh. The existence of a Legislative Council has proven politically controversial. A number of states that have had their Council abolished have subsequently requested its reestablishment; conversely, proposals for the reestablishment of the Council for a state have also met with opposition. Proposals for abolition or reestablishment of a state’s Legislative Council require confirmation by the Parliament of India.

3. An Ordinary bill passed by the State Assembly can be delayed by the Legislative Council for a maximum period of

(1) 1 month

(2) 6 months

(3) 3 months

(4) 4 months

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

In case of difference between the two Houses there is no provision for a joint sitting of the State Legislature. The Legislative Council can only delay the passage of an ordinary bill for a maximum period of four months. Likewise control over the Executive is placed in hands of the Legislative Assembly and the Legislative Council has no share in this power.

4. Who is the chief advisor to the Governor ?

(1) Chief Justice of Indian Supreme Court

(2) Chief Minister

(3) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(4) President

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

The Governor acts as the nominal head whereas the real power lies in the hand of the Chief Ministers of the states and the Chief Minister’s Council of Ministers. The Governor summons the sessions of both houses of the state legislature and prorogues them. The Governor can even dissolve the Vidhan Sabha. These powers are formal and the Governor while using these powers must act according to the advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister.

5. Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly with the prior permission of the

(1) Governor of the State

(2) Chief Minister of the State

(3) Speaker of Legislative Assembly

(4) Finance Minister of the State

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

No money bill can be introduced in the State Legislative Assembly without the prior permission of the Governor. Besides, the annual and supplementary budgets are introduced in the Assembly in the name of the Governor.

6. Who was the first Woman Governor of a State in free India from out of the following ?

(1) Mrs. Sarojini Naidu

(2) Mrs. Sucheta Kriplani

(3) Mrs. Indira Gandhi

(4) Mrs. Vijay Laxmi Pandit

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

Mrs. Sarojini Naidu was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress and the first woman to become the Governor of Uttar Pradesh.

7. The Council of Ministers in a State is collectively responsible to

(1) the Governor

(2) the Chief Minister

(3) the President of India

(4) the Legislative Assembly

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

In the states, the Governor, as the representative of the President, is the head of Executive, but real executive power rests with the Chief Minister who heads the Council of Ministers. The Council of Ministers of a state is collectively responsible to the elected legislative assembly of the state.

8. What is the duration of membership of State Legislative Councils?

(1) 3 years

(2) 5 years

(3) 6 years

(4) 9 years

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

In contrast with a state’s Vidhan Sabha (Legislative Assembly), the Legislative Council is a permanent body and cannot be dissolved.; each Member of the Legislative Council (MLC) serves for a six-year term, with terms staggered so that the terms of one-third of a Council’s members expire every two years. This arrangement parallels that for the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India.

9. The Governor of a State has no power to

(1) prorogue the Assembly

(2) dissolve the Assembly

(3) adjourn the Assembly

(4) summon the Assembly

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

The Governor summons the sessions of both houses of the state legislature and prorogues them. The Governor can even dissolve the Vidhan Sabha. These powers are formal and the Governor while using these powers must act according to the advice of the Council of Ministers headed by the Chief Minister.

10. The members of the Legislative Assembly are

(1) indirectly elected

(2) directly elected by the people

(3) partly elected and partly nominated by the Governor

(4) mainly nominated

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

Members of a Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) are direct representatives of the people of the particular state as they are directly elected by an electorate consisting of all adult citizens of that state. Its maximum size as outlined in the Constitution of India is not more than 500 members and not less than 60.

11. The Chief Minister is appointed by

(1) the Governor

(2) the President

(3) The Chief Justice of Supreme Court

(4) the Chief Justice of High Court

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

A Chief Minister in India is the elected head of government at the level of States and is vested with most of the executive powers. He or she is elected by legislators of the political party or coalition commanding an assembly majority and serves a five-year term with a provision of re-election. He is appointed by the Governor of the State.

12. The upper house of the State Legislature in India is called :

(1) Legislative Council

(2) Legislative Assembly

(3) Executive Council

(4) Governor – in – Council

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

The Vidhan Parishad (or Legislative Council) is the upper house in those states of India that have a bicameral legislature. As of 2011, six (out of twenty eight) states have a Legislative Council: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh.

13. In case no party enjoys absolute majority in the Legislative Assembly of a state, the Governor will go by :

(1) the advice of former Chief Minister

(2) the advice of the Prime Minister

(3) the advice of the President of India

(4) his own discretion

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

The Governor can use discretionary powers: a) If no party gets an absolute majority, the Governor can use his discretion in the selection of the Chief Minister; b) During an emergency he can override the advice of the council of ministers. At such times, he acts as an agent of the President and becomes the real ruler of the state; c) He uses his direction in submitting a report to the President regarding the affairs of the state; and d) He can withhold his assent to a bill and send it to the President for his approval.

14. The Governor of an Indian State is appointed by the

(1) President of India

(2) Prime Minister

(3) Chief Justice of High Court

(4) Chief Minister of the State

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

The Governors of the states have similar powers and functions at the state level as that of the President of India at Union level. He/she is appointed by the President for a term of 5 years.

15. A State cannot exist without

(1) Democratic government

(2) Parliamentary government

(3) Presidential government

(4) Some kind of government

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

The state has four essential elements. These are: (1) population, (2) territory (land), (3) government, (4) sovereignty (or independence). The first two elements constitute the physical or material basis of the state while the last two form its political and spiritual basis.

16. Who is the highest Law Officer of a State ?

(1) Solicitor General

(2) Secretary General, Law Department

(3) Attorney General

(4) Advocate General

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

The highest Law Officer of a State is Advocate General.

17. An ordinance issued by the Governor, without the approval of the State Legislature shall be effective for a period of

(1) Six months

(2) Six weeks

(3) One year

(4) One month

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

The Governor has the power of making ordinances during the recess of the legislature to meet some emergency. A Governor’s Ordinance ceases to operate six weeks after the reassembly of the legislature if not disapproved by the state legislature.

18. The maximum time a person can continue to be the minister of the State Government without being a member the state legislature _____.

(1) One year

(2) Three months

(3) Six months

(4) No time limit

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

A non-member may be appointed a Minister in the state Government provided he gets a seat in the State Legislature within a period of six months from the date of his appointment. This has been mentioned in Article 164 of the Indian Constitution.

19. In relation to the State Government, local government exercises :

(1) Co-ordinate Authority

(2) Delegated Authority

(3) Superior Authority

(4) Independent Authority

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

In the Indian context, local government has only a derivative and not an independent authority. Its powers and functions are determined by the State Legislature. So among the given options, delegated authority is the most appropriate.

20. An ordinance issued by Governor is subject to approval by

(1) The President

(2) The State Legislature

(3) The State Council of Ministers

(4) The Parliament

Answer is 2) for the MCQ on State executive

Article 213 of the constitution provides that Governor of the state can promulgate ordinance. The same article states that once an ordinance is passed, it should be placed before Legislative assembly of the state or where there is a legislative council, before both the houses and approved by then within six weeks of their respective dates of reassembly.

21. In which year were the States recognized on a linguistic basis ?

(1) 1951

(2) 1947

(3) 1950

(4) 1956

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

Indian states were reorganized on 1 November 1956 under the States Reorganization Act, 1956. Andhra State was merged with the Telugu-speaking area of Hyderabad state (also known as Telangana) to create Andhra Pradesh in 1956. Similarly Kerala in the south and three states (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh) came into being in the Hindi speaking area. West Bengal, Rajasthan, and Punjab were enlarged by addition of territories.

22. The State Election Commission conducts, controls and supervises Municipal elections under

(1) Article 240 (1)

(2) Article 241 (2)

(3) Article 243 (K)

(4) Article 245 (D)

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

According to Article 243 (K), the superintendence, direction and control of the preparation of electoral rolls for, and the conduct of, all elections to local bodies shall be vested in a State Election Commission consisting of a State Election Commissioner to be appointed by the Governor.

23. On which of the following issues can a Governor make recommendation to the President?

(a) Dismissal of the State Council of Ministers.

(b) Removal of the Judges of the High Court.

(c) Dissolution of the State Legislative Assembly.

(d) Declaration of the breakdown of the Constitutional machinery in the State.

(1) a, c and d

(2) a, b and d

(3) b, c and d

(4) a, b and c

Answer is (1) for the MCQ on State executive

Removal of a Supreme Court or High Court judge is governed by Articles 124 (4) and (5) and 217 (1) (b) and 218 of the Constitution on the ground of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. They can only removed by the Parliament by the procedure establish by Law. So the Governor of a state of even the President is powerless in this regard.

24. The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the:

(1) Chief Justice of India

(2) Speaker of Legislative Assembly

(3) President

(4) Chief Justice of High Court

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

As per Article 159 of Indian Constitution, the Governor of a state has to take oath in the presence of the Chief Justice of the High court exercising jurisdiction in relation to the State, or, in his absence, the senior most Judge of that Court available. The Governor of a State is appointed by the President.

25. The discretionary powers of a Governor is limited in

(1) Appointment of Chief Minister

(2) Dismissal of the Ministry

(3) Dissolution of the Legislative Assembly

(4) Assent to Bills

Answer is (4) for the MCQ on State executive

The Sarkaria Commission examined the scope of the discretion of the Governor in relation to assent to the Bills under Article 200 of the Constitution. It viewed that Article 200 does not provide discretion to the Governor either expressly or by implication. The commission observed that, the scope of Governor’s discretion is very limited as is obvious by the fact that the Governor cannot withhold assent to a reconsidered Bill.

26. The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad is _____ .

(1) 21 years

(2) 25 years

(3) 30 years

(4) 35 years

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

The minimum age limit for the membership of the Vidhan Parishad (Legislative Council) is 30 years. Besides, to be chosen as a member, a person should be a citizen of India, mentally sound, not an insolvent, and on the voters’ list of the state for which he or she is contesting an election. In contrast with a state’s Vidhan Sabha, the Vidhan Parishad is a permanent body.

27. Chief Ministers of States are members of __________________

(1) NITI Commission (Aayog)

(2) Finance Commission

(3) National Development Council

(4) Election Commission

Answer is (3) for the MCQ on State executive

The National Development Council (NDC) comprises the Prime Minister, the Union Cabinet Ministers, Chief Ministers of all states, representatives of the Union Territories and the members of the NITI Aayog. It is the apex body for decision making and deliberations on development matters in India.

28. The term of a Governor is :

(1) 4 Years

(2) 5 Years

(3) 6 Years

(4) 3 Years

Answer is (2) for the MCQ on State executive

As per Article 156 of Indian constitution, a Governor holds office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office. He holds office during the pleasure of the President and so may, by writing under his hand addressed to the President, resign his office.

The State Executive and Legislature syllabus deals with components of India’s federal structure, comprising the Governor, Chief Minister, Council of Ministers, and the State Legislature. Understanding this area and practicing objective questions with answers is essential for candidates preparing for competitive examinations such as SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC GD, SSC MTS, Judicial Services, Police (SI/Constables), CLAT, CDS, AFCAT, NDA, CAPF, and other exams.

To facilitate this preparation, Rankers Hub offers a dedicated webpage featuring previous years multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on the State Executive. These free MCQs are designed to assess and enhance knowledge on various aspects of the State Executive, including the roles and powers of the Governor, the functions of the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers, and the structure and responsibilities of the State Legislature.

Key Areas Covered in State Executive MCQs:

  1. The Governor:
    • Qualifications, appointment process, and term of office.
    • Powers and functions, including executive, legislative, and discretionary powers.
    • Procedures for removal and the Governor’s role during emergencies.
  2. The Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers:
    • Appointment procedures and the Chief Minister’s relationship with the Governor.
    • Collective responsibility of the Council of Ministers to the State Legislative Assembly.
    • Distinction between Cabinet Ministers, Ministers of State, and Deputy Ministers.
  3. The State Legislature:
    • Composition and functions of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council (where applicable).
    • Legislative procedures, including the passage of bills and the budget.
    • Powers and privileges of the members of the State Legislature.

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