Practice SSC CGL Chemistry Previous Year Questions and Answers, for upcoming exam. These SSC CGL Chemistry Questions, help you to familiarize with exam patterns and improve accuracy. Our extensive collection of SSC CGL Chemistry MCQs is designed to help candidates master key concepts and improve their problem-solving skills. Covering essential topics of chemistry, these SSC CGL Chemistry Questions ensure a well-rounded preparation.
Practice the following Objective Questions of Chemistry for SSC CGL exam
1. Threshold limit value of copper in the atmospheric air is
(1) 0.001 mg/m3
(2) 0.01 mg/m3
(3) 1.0 mg/m3
(4) 5.0 mg/m3
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Inspirable copper dust takes a predominantly fibrous effect. The ALV of copper aerosol in the workplace atmosphere is 0.5 mg/m3, while the threshold limit value (TLV) is 1.0 mg/m3.
2. Silicone is a polymer of
(1) Tetraalkyl silane
(2) Silicon tetrachloride
(3) Dialkyl dichlor silane
(4) Silane
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
In order to manufacture silicones, alkyl-substituted chlorosilanes are used as starting material. Since dimethylsilane contains —OH group at the end of the chain, polymerization and chain length increases. However, the hydrolysis of alkyl trichlorosilane gives very complex cross linked polymer.
3. Which is a natural colloid ?
(1) Sodium chloride
(2) Urea
(3) Cane-sugar
(4) Blood
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Examples of natural colloids can be found in our body itself: blood consists of colloidal sized red blood corpuscles (RBC) which provide the vital oxygen to all the body tissues.
4. Which one of the following does not contain Silver ?
(1) Ruby Silver
(2) Lunar Caustic
(3) German Silver
(4) Horn Silver
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nickel silver, also known as German silver, is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc. The usual formulation is 60% copper, 20% nickel and 20% zinc. Nickel silver is named for its silvery appearance, but it contains no elemental silver unless plated.
5. The presence of Cobalt in Vitamin B12 was established for the first time by
(1) Hydrolysis test
(2) Spectroscopy
(3) Borax-Bead test
(4) Sodium Nitroprusside test
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Atomic absorption spectroscopy is an analytical chemistry technique used for determining concentration of particular metal element and is widely used in pharmaceutics. It was used for the determination of cobalt in Vitamin B12.
6. Coating of solid waste with impervious material is known as
(1) Encapsulation
(2) Chemical fixation
(3) Landfill
(4) Capping
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Containment of toxic or hazardous constituents in industrial solid wastes is currently being accomplished using:
(i) coating grains of waste material with an inert and non-reactive impervious material (microencapsulation), and
(ii) coating blocks of waste material with an inert, non-reactive impervious material (macroencapsulation).
7. Ultraviolet rays can be used in water treatment as
(1) Flocculator
(2) Precipitator
(3) Hydrolyser
(4) Disinfectant
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
UV radiation can be an effective viricide and bactericide. Disinfection using UV radiation is commonly used in wastewater treatment applications and is finding an increased usage in drinking water treatment.
8. The percentage of carbon in cost iron is :
(1) 0.01 to 0.25
(2) 0.5 to 1.5
(3) 6 to 8
(4) 3 to 5
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Cast Iron is a hard, brittle, nonmalleable iron carbon alloy, cast into shape. It contains 2 to 4.5 percent carbon, 0.5 to 3 percent silicon, and lesser amounts of sulfur, manganese, and phosphorus.
9. The compound that has the least value for octane number is :
(1) methyl heptane
(2) Iso-octane
(3) dimethyl hexane
(4) n-heptane
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Octane rating or octane number is a standard measure of the performance of a motor or aviation fuel. The higher the octane number, the more compression the fuel can withstand. Isooctane (upper) has an octane rating of 100 whereas n-heptane has an octane rating of 0.
10. The pair of compounds used as anaesthetic in medicines :
(1) Ether, Ammonia
(2) Nitrous oxide, Chloroform
(3) Chloroform, Nitrogen dioxide
(4) Nitrogen dioxide ether
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nitrous oxide is one of the more well-known anesthetic gases, and has been in use for around 200 years. Unlike some other anesthetics, this compound can be used both for inducing unconsciousness and pain control. Chloroform is more potent and more toxic than ether. Its use as an anaesthetic decreased with increased experience and knowledge of its dangers.
11. pH scale ranges from
(1) 0 – 7
(2) 8 – 14
(3) 0 – 14
(4) None
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic. A pH greater than 7 is basic. The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, each whole pH value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next higher value.
12. Iron rusts quickly in
(1) Rain water
(2) Sea water
(3) Distilled water
(4) River water
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Water is the enabler of fast oxidation of iron. So freshwater will also cause rust. However, salt water (sea water) is a very good conductor (lots of dissociated ions) and so there are a number of electrolysis reactions that tremendously accelerate corrosion in salt water. This effect can be reversed by using a metal (like zinc) which causes the current to be reversed and in effect the zinc corrodes rapidly, protecting the iron.
13. Aerated water contains
(1) SO2
(2) NO2
(3) H2
(4) CO2
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Aerated water is, correctly speaking, water to which air is added. So aerated water is any water artificially impregnated with a large amount of gas (as carbon dioxide). The term is, however, frequently applied to carbonated water.
14. Magnetite is
(1) Fe2O3
(2) Fe3O4
(3) FeCO3
(4) 2Fe2O3
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Magnetite is a mineral, one of the two common naturally occurring iron oxides (chemical formula Fe3O4). It is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurring minerals on Earth. The chemical IUPAC name of magnetite is iron oxide and the common chemical name is ferrous-ferric oxide.
15. Iron is prevented from rusting by coating with zinc. This process is called as
(1) Galvanisation
(2) Corrosion
(3) Sublimation
(4) Reduction
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Galvanization is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, in order to prevent rusting. The term is derived from the name of Italian scientist Luigi Galvani. Although galvanization can be done with electrochemical and electro-deposition processes, the most common method in current use is hot-dip galvanization, in which steel parts are submerged in a bath of molten zinc.
16. When cathode rays strike a target of high atomic weight, they give rise to
(1) α -rays
(2) β and γ rays
(3) X-rays
(4) positive rays
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
When cathode rays strike a solid target of high atomic weight and high melting point such as tungsten, molybdenum, etc, they give rise to a highly penetrating radiation called the X-rays.
17. The major use of sulphur is in the manufacture of
(1) H2SO4
(2) H2S
(3) SO2
(4) Fungicide
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The major use of sulphur is in the manufacture of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) which is one of the most important compounds made by the chemical industry. It is used to make, literally, hundreds of compounds needed by almost every industry.
18. Atoms of different elements have
(1) same atomic number and same electronic configuration
(2) different atomic number and same electronic configuration
(3) different atomic number and different number of valence electrons
(4) same number of electrons and neutrons
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Each element’s atoms have a different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons, which is why they have different atomic numbers, difference in valence electrons and other properties. Their reactivity also varies because of the number and activeness of the electrons in the atom.
19. Organic compounds are
(1) Covalent compounds
(2) Ionic compounds
(3) Co-ordination compounds
(4) Interstitial compounds
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Organic compounds are always covalent compounds because it is more energetically favorable for carbon to covalently bond. Organic compounds, such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, are all examples of covalent compounds.
20. Which one of the following elements exhibits the greatest tendency to lose electrons ?
(1) Fluorine
(2) Lithium
(3) Oxygen
(4) Zinc
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Alkali metals such as Lithium are the most electropositive elements in the periodic table. As alkali metals have low ionization energies, they have a great tendency to lose electrons forming uni-positive ions.
21. Poison used for killing rats is
(1) Calcium phosphide (Ca P2)
(2) Zinc phosphide (Zn3P2)
(3) Magnesium nitride (Mg3N2)
(4) Magnesium phosphide (Mg3P2)
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Zinc phosphide is an inorganic compound that is used in pesticide products as a rodenticide. Formulated as attractive bait, it releases phosphine gas once it is exposed to acid and moisture in the stomach. The phosphine gas is very toxic to all animals.
22. Antacid tablets consist of
(1) Hydroxides of sodium, magnesium and aluminium
(2) Hydroxides of magnesium and aluminium
(3) Hydroxides of sodium and aluminium
(4) Hydroxides of magnesium and sodium
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
An antacid is a base which neutralizes stomach acidity. The most common of these bases are hydroxides, carbonates, or bicarbonates such as Aluminum hydroxide, Calcium carbonate, Magnesium carbonate, Magnesium hydroxide, and Sodium bicarbonate.
23. The element absorbed both in cation and anion form is
(1) Sulphur
(2) Nitrogen
(3) Calcium
(4) Phosphorus
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nitrogen, required in large quantities for healthy plant growth, is supplied either as a cation (ammonium – NH4+ ) or an anion (nitrate – NO3– ). The ratio of these two forms of nitrogen in the nutrient solution can have large effects on both the rate and direction of pH changes with time.
24. Nucleons are regarded as composites sub-particles known as
(1) Mesons
(2) Quarks
(3) Leptons
(4) Photons
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
In quantum chromodynamics, nucleons are regarded as composites of three quarks (elementary particles) and pions are composites of two quarks. According to EOB’s rules, nucleons move as fermions while pions move as bosons.
25. Which of the following is not a greenhouse gas ?
(1) Water vapour
(2) O2
(3) O3
(4) CO2
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Greenhouse gases are those that can absorb and emit infrared radiation, but not radiation in or near the visible spectrum. The most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are: Water vapor (H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Ozone (O3) and CFCs.
26. Interveinal necrotic spots on leaves appear due to
(1) HF injury
(2) SO2 injury
(3) NO2 injury
(4) O3 injury
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Injury caused by sulphur oxides show interveinal necrotic areas that are light tan to white. Uninjured tissue next to the veins remains green.
27. The pollutant responsible for ozone holes is _____.
(1) CO2
(2) SO2
(3) CO
(4) CFC
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been held responsible for the depletion of ozone layer. The manufacture of CFCs has been phased out under the Montreal Protocol, and they are being replaced with other products such as HFCs.
28. The alkoloid naturally found in coffee, cocoa and cola nut is
(1) Cocaine
(2) Morphine
(3) Tannin
(4) Caffeine
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Caffeine (C8H10N4O2) is a bitter alkaloid found especially in coffee, tea, cacao, and kola nuts. It is used medicinally as a stimulant and diuretic.
29. The metal used for making aircrafts and rockets is
(1) Lead
(2) Aluminium
(3) Nickel
(4) Copper
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nickel-based super alloys are an unusual class of metallic materials with an exceptional combination of high temperature strength, toughness, and resistance to degradation in corrosive or oxidizing environment. These materials are widely used in aircraft and power-generation turbines, rocket engines, etc.
30. The process of improving the quality of rubber by heating it with sulphur is called.
(1) Vulcanization
(2) Acceleration
(3) Sulphonation
(4) Galvanization
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Vulcanization is a chemical process for converting natural rubber into more durable materials via the addition of sulfur or other equivalent curatives or accelerators. These additives modify the polymer by forming cross-links (bridges) between individual polymer chains.
31. Which of the following is not a noble gas ?
(1) Hydrogen
(2) Helium
(3) Neon
(4) Argon
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The noble gases are the chemical elements in group 18 of the periodic table. This chemical series contains helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.
32. Which of the following is very reactive and kept in kerosene?
(1) Sodium
(2) Potassium
(3) Iodine
(4) Bromine
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Sodium is a very reactive metal. It reacts vigorously with oxygen and water. A lot of heat is generated in this process. Therefore, it is stored in kerosene to avoid contacts between either atmospheric oxygen or water.
33. In the periodic table of elements, on moving from left to right across a period, the atomic radius
(1) decreases
(2) increases
(3) remains unchanged
(4) does not follow a definite pattern
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The atomic radius is the distance from the atomic nucleus to the outermost stable electron orbital in an atom that is at equilibrium. It tends to decrease across a period from left to right. It usually increases while going down a group due to the addition of a new energy level (shell).
34. Vulcanized rubber contains sulphur
(1) 2%
(2) 3-5%
(3) 7-9%
(4) 10-15%
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
A vulcanized flexible tyre rubber contains about 3 –5% of sulphur whereas hard rubber (ebonite) contains about 32% of sulphur. The stiffness of vulcanized rubber depends on the amount of sulphur added.
35. Which of the following is a metallic ore ?
(1) Mica
(2) Quartz
(3) Feldspar
(4) Galena
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Galena is the most abundant lead mineral. It is a metallic, lead-gray mineral with cubic cleavage and a distinctly high density. It belongs to the octahedral sulfide group of minerals with metal ions in octahedral positions.
36. The moderator used in a nuclear reactor is
(1) Uranium
(2) Radium
(3) Ordinary water
(4) Graphite
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Light water (ordinary water) is used as the moderator in U.S. reactors as well as the cooling agent. It acts as the means by which heat is removed to produce steam for turning the turbines of the electric generators.
37. The chemical name of “Plaster of Paris” commonly used for setting broken bones is
(1) Calcium nitrate
(2) Calcium sulphate
(3) Calcium carbonate
(4) Calcium chloride
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Plaster of Paris is the common name of Calcium Sulphate hemihydrate, with chemical formula: CaSO4. 1/2H2O. Plaster of Paris is produced by heating gypsum to about 150°C.
38. The apparatus used to test acidity of aqueous solution is
(1) pH meter
(2) Ammeter
(3) Hygrometer
(4) Acidmeter
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
A pH meter is an electronic device used for measuring the pH (acidity or alkalinity) of a liquid. A typical pH meter consists of a special measuring probe (a glass electrode) connected to an electronic meter that measures and displays the pH reading.
39. Muddy water is treated with alum in purification process, it is termed as :
(1) emulsification
(3) adsorption
(4) coagulation
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Natural and wastewater contain small particulates that are suspended in water forming a colloid. These particles carry the same charges, and repulsion prevents them from combining into larger particulates to settle. Historically, dirty water is cleaned by treating with alum, Al2 (SO4)3 .12 H2O, and lime, Ca(OH)2 . The phenomenon is known as coagulation:
The slightly basic water causes Al(OH)3 , Fe(OH)3 and Fe(OH)2 to precipitate, bringing the small particulates with them and the water becomes clear.
40. Brass contains
(1) Copper and Zinc
(2) Copper and Tin
(3) Copper and Silver
(4) Copper and Nickel
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Brass is an alloy made of copper and zinc; the proportions of zinc and copper can be varied to create a range of brasses with varying properties. By comparison, bronze is principally an alloy of copper and tin.
41. Which is the purest commercial form of iron ?
(1) Pig iron
(2) Steel
(3) Stainless steel
(4) Wrought iron
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Wrought iron or malleable iron is the purest form of commercial iron as it contains the lowest percentage of carbon (0.12-0.25%) and impurities of S, P, Mn and Si in minute amount (about 0.3%). It is made by melting cast iron with scrap iron in a reverberatory furnace lined with Fe2O3 which oxidizes C, Si, P, etc, most of which are then removed by rolling.
42. In galvanization, iron is coated with
(1) Copper
(2) Zinc
(3) Tin
(4) Nickel
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Galvanization is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, to prevent rusting. The most common method is hot-dip galvanization, in which parts are submerged in a bath of molten zinc.
43. Which one of the following is also know as solution ?
(1) A compound
(2) A homogeneous mixture
(3) A heterogeneous mixture
(4) A suspension
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
In chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of only one phase. In such a mixture, a solute is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. The solution more or less takes on the characteristics of the solvent including its phase.
44. The term ‘brown air’ is used for
(1) Acid fumes
(2) Photochemical smog
(3) Sulphurous smog
(4) Industrial smog
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Photochemical smog which is mainly composed of ozone (O3), Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and Nox , is also known as brown air where solar radiation is intense. In seasons of lesser solar radiation or areas, smog formation is incomplete and the air is referred to as grey air.
45. What happens when a drop of glycerol is added to crushed KMnO4 spread on a paper ?
(1) There is a crackling sound.
(2) There is a violent explosion.
(3) There is no reaction.
(4) The paper ignites.
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
When solid Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) is mixed with pure glycerol or other simple alcohols, it will result in a violent combustion reaction. Potassium Permanganate is an extremely powerful oxidizer which spontaneously ignites after coming in contact with glycerol. The glycerol is oxidized so quickly that heat is generated faster than it can be dissipated.
Chlorine is used to disinfect water and is part of the sanitation process for sewage and industrial waste. During the production of paper and cloth, it is used as a bleaching agent. It is also used in cleaning products; including household bleach which is chlorine dissolved in water Bleaching powder is an important and a commonly used bleaching agent prepared from chlorine.
47. Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India?
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(A) Arsenic
(B) Sorbitol
(C) Fluoride
(D) Formaldehyde
(E) Uranium
(1) B, D and E
(2) A, B, C, D and E
(3) A, C and E
(4) A and C
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Recent research has shown that India’s groundwater faces the problem of presence of uranium, arsenic, and heavy metals in ground water used for drinking. Sorbitol (used as artificial sweetener) and Formaldehyde (used in coating, etc) are not famous as water pollutants.
48. Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because
(1) It denatures enzymes of the heart/muscle
(2) It breaks the electron transport chain
(3) It causes Lysis of red blood cells.
(4) It causes cardiac arrest
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Cyanide poisoning occurs on exposure to a compound that produces cyanide ions when dissolved in water. The cyanide ion halts cellular respiration by inhibiting an enzyme in the mitochondria called cytochrome coxidase. If cyanide is inhaled it causes a coma with seizures, apnea, and cardiac arrest, with death following in a matter of seconds.
49. The ore of Aluminium is
(1) Fluorspar
(2) Bauxite
(3) Chalco pyrites
(4) Hematite
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Bauxite, an aluminium ore, is the world’s main source of aluminium. Bauxite is primarily comprised of aluminum oxide compounds (alumina), silica, iron oxides and titanium dioxide. It is refined through the Bayer chemical process into alumina. Alumina is refined into pure aluminum metal through the Hall– Héroult electrolytic process.
50. Heavy metals got their name because compared to other atoms they have
(1) Higher densities
(2) Higher atomic masses
(3) Higher atomic numbers
(4) Higher atomic radii
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, and selenium are some of the metals called ‘heavy’ because of their high relative atomic mass. They persist in nature and can cause damage or death in animals, humans, and plants even at very low concentrations.
51. Photo chemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among
(1) High concentration of NO2 , O3 , and CO in the evening
(2) CO, CO2 and NO2 at low temperature.
(3) CO, O2 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight
(4) NO2 , O3 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Photochemical smog is a unique type of air pollution which is caused by reactions between sunlight and pollutants like hydrocarbons and nitrogen dioxide (NO and NO2). Other components of the photochemical smog include Ozone (O3) formaldehyde, peroxy benzoyl nitrate (PBzN), peroxy acetyl nitrate (PAN) and acrolein. The formation of photochemical smog can be expressed in the simple terms as:
Hydrocarbons + NOx + sunlight
52. Which of the following particles has the dual nature of particle–wave?
(1) Electron
(2) Meson
(3) Proton
(4) Neutron
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
In 1905, it was Einstein who suggested the concept of light having a dual nature; particle and wave nature. In a similar way, Louise de Broglie suggested that electron also exhibits a dual nature. Broglie derived a mathematical expression to prove the wave nature of electron along with particle nature. He gave the following relation:- ë =h/mí, where ë -is the wavelength of electron, m – is mass of an electron and í – is the frequency.
53. Ultra purification of a metal is done by :
(1) slugging
(2) zone melting
(3) smelting
(4) leaching
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
When metals are required in a ultra pure state, the zone refining method is used. The principle-employed states that the impurities, which lower the melting point of a metal remain preferentially dissolved in the liquid phase and purer metal will emerge in the solid phase.
54. The soft silvery metalic element which ionizes easily when heated or exposed to light and is present in atomic clocks is :
(1) Cerium
(2) Cesium
(3) Calcium
(4) Califonrium
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
In 1967, based on Einstein defining the speed of light as the most constant dimension in the universe, the International System of Units isolated two specific wave counts from an emission spectrum of caesium-133 to co-define the second and the meter. Since then, caesium has been widely used in highly accrate atomic clocks. Among alkali metals, cesium has lowest ionization energy and hence it can show photo electric effect to the maximum extent.
55. Catalytic converters are generally made from :
(1) Alkaline metals
(2) Hydrogen
(3) Transition metals
(4) Carbon
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Transition metals are used directly as catalysts in the anti–pollution catalytic converters in car exhausts. For example, expensive transition metals such as Platinum and rhodium are used in the catalytic converters in car exhausts to reduce the emission of carbon monoxide and nitrogen monoxide, which are converted to the non–polluting gases nitrogen and carbon dioxide.
2NO (g) + 2CO(g) ⇒ N2 (g) + 2CO2 (g)
56. The green colour seen in firework displays is due to the chloride salt of :
(1) Sodium
(2) Strontium
(3) Barium
(4) Calcium
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple colors exploding in the night sky during a pyrotechnic festival are created by the use of metal salts. Barium chloride provides green colour to firework displays. Metal salts that are commonly used in firework displays include: strontium carbonate (red), calcium chloride (orange), sodium nitrate (yellow), barium chloride (green fireworks) and copper chloride (blue fireworks).
57. The radiation that can penetrate deepest in our body
(1) UV-radiation
(2) Alpha-particles
(3) β-particles
(4) Gamma-particles
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The ability of radioactivity to pass through materials is called its penetrating ability. Penetrating ability depends on the size of the radioactive particle. Alpha particles are the biggest, beta particles are very much smaller and gamma rays have no mass. Ultraviolet rays have less energetic photons compared to gamma rays and x-rays and a lower penetration power. Gamma rays are the most penetrating of the radiations.
58. Which one of the following does not contain silver ?
(1) Horn silver
(2) Ruby silver
(3) German silver
(4) Lunar caustic
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
German Silver (also known as New Silver, Nickel Brass, etc) is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc. The usual formulation is 60% copper, 20% nickel and 20% zinc. It is named for its silvery appearance, but it contains no elemental silver unless plated.
59. An important green-house gas other than methane being produced from the agricultural fields is
(1) Nitrous oxide
(2) Ammonia
(3) Sulphur dioxide
(4) Arsine
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) are the two major greenhouse gasses (GHG) emitted by agricultural activities. N2O accounts for around 8% of the warming impact of current human GHG emissions. Agricultural activities that directly increase N2O emissions are: fertilization, application of manure or other organic materials, retention of crop residues, production of nitrogen-fixing crops and forages, and cultivation of soils with high organic matter content. Irrigation, drainage, tillage practices and fallowing of land also increase N2O emission.
60. Acid rain is caused due to pollution of atmosphere by
(1) oxides of carbon and nitrogen
(2) oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
(3) oxides of nitrogen and phosphorus
(4) None of these
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Acid rain is caused by emissions of Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen Oxide (NO), which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. Emissions of SO2 and NO result from fossil fuel combustion. The chemicals in acid rain can cause paint to peel, corrosion of steel structures such as bridges, and erosion of stone statues.
61. Which of the following chemicals is responsible for depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?
(1) Chlorofluorocarbons
(2) Nitrous oxide
(3) Sulphur dioxide
(4) Carbon dioxide
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Chlorofluorocarbon contributes to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere. It is an organic compound that contains only carbon, chlorine, and fluorine, produced as a volatile derivative of methane, ethane, and propane. Its manufacture has been phased out under the Montreal Protocol.
62. The most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust is
(1) zinc
(2) copper
(3) aluminium
(4) iron
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The most abundant metal on Earth is aluminum. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and makes up 8 percent of it by parts per million. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is Oxygen followed by Silicon. Both of these are non-metals.
63. Helium is added to the oxygen supply of deep sea divers because it is
(1) less poisonous than nitrogen
(2) Lighter than nitrogen
(3) Readily miscible with oxygen
(4) less soluble in blood than nitrogen at high pressure
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Deep-sea divers have their oxygen supply mixed with helium in order to avoid the toxic nature of oxygen under extreme pressures. The Helium atom is much smaller than the Nitrogen molecule, has a smaller electron cloud and is less polarizable. It, therefore, is less soluble in blood than nitrogen and prevents the formation of nitrogen bubbles in blood which blocks blood flow as the diver comes to the surface of the sea from underwater.
64. Terylene is a condensation polymer of ethylene glycol and which acid?
(1) Benzoic Acid
(2) Salicylic acid
(3) Phthalic acid
(4) Terephthalic acid
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Terylene is a co-polymer of ethylene glycol and Terephthalic acid. Also known as Dacron, it is prepared by the condensation polymerization of ethylene glycerol and Terephthalic acid with elimination of water. The reaction is carried out at about 420-460 K in the presence of a catalyst consisting of a mixture of zinc acetate and antimony trioxide.
65. What are the components responsible for acid rain?
(1) Nitrogen monoxide (NO) and Carbon monoxide (CO)
(2) Sulphur dioxide (SO2) and Nitrogen oxides (NOX )
(3) Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Carbon monoxide (CO)
(4) Oxides of carbon (COX) and Oxides of nitrogen (NOX)
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX), which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids. The SO2 and NOX react with water, oxygen and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. The chemicals in acid rain can cause paint to peel, corrosion of steel structures and weathering of stone buildings.
66. What is Zeolite?
(1) Hydrated Aluminosilicate
(2) Hydrated Calcium Sulphate
(3) Dehydrated Aluminosilicate
(4) Dehydrated Calcium Sulphate
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Zeolites are hydrated aluminosilicate minerals made from interlinked tetrahedra of alumina (AlO4 ) and silica (SiO4). In simpler words, they’re solids with a relatively open, three-dimensional crystal structure built from the elements aluminium, oxygen, and silicon, with alkali or alkaline-Earth metals (such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium) plus water molecules trapped in the gaps between them.
67. L.P.G. is mostly liquefied
(1) hydrogen
(2) oxygen
(3) butane
(4) methane
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Liquefied petroleum gas or liquid petroleum gas (LPG) is mostly propane (C3H8 ), or butane (C4H10). They are most commonly mixtures of these two hydrocarbon gases that are used as fuel in heating appliances, cooking equipment, and vehicles. In the northern hemisphere winter, the mixes contain more propane, while in summer, they contain more butane.
68. What is used in storage batteries?
(1) Copper
(2) Tin
(3) Lead
(4) Zinc
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The electrodes of the cells in a storage battery consist of lead grids. The openings of the anodic grid is filled with spongy (porous) lead. The openings of the cathodic grid is filled with lead dioxide (PbO2). Dilute sulfuric acid (H2 SO4 ) serves as the electrolyte. Lead acid batteries, also known as lead storage batteries, can store a lot of charge and provide high current for short periods of time.
69. The biogas used for cooking is a mixture of which of the following ?
(1) Carbon dioxide and oxygen
(2) Isobutane and propane
(3) Methane and carbon monoxide
(4) Methane and carbon dioxide
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Biogas is essentially a mixture of Methane (CH4 , around 55-75%) but also contains Carbon Dioxide (CO2), around 25-30%), varying quantities of Water (H2O) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). Other compounds can also be found, especially in waste dump biogas: Ammonia (NH3), Hydrogen (H2), Nitrogen (N2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO). Methane is the valuable component under the aspect of using biogas fuel.
70. _____ gives hardness to stainless steel.
(1) Zinc
(2) Lead
(3) Carbon
(4) Tin
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Iron is alloyed with carbon lo make steel and has the effect of increasing the hardness and strength of iron. Pure iron cannot be hardened or strengthened by heat treatment but the addition of carbon enables a wide range of hardness and strength. High-carbon stainless steel contains a minimum of 0.3% carbon. The higher the carbon content, the less formable and the tougher the steel becomes.
71. Which of the following is not soluble in water ?
(1) Lead Sulphate
(2) Zinc sulphate
(3) Potassium sulphate
(4) Sodium sulphate
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Lead sulfate (PbSO4 ) is a white crystalline solid. It is insoluble in water and sinks in it. It is often seen in the plates/electrodes of car batteries, as it is formed when the battery is discharged. It is also known as fast white, milk white, sulfuric acid lead salt or anglesite.
72. Activated Charcoal is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances by
(1) Bleaching
(2) Oxidation
(3) Adsorption
(4) Reduction
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Heating wood to a very high temperature in the absence of air makes charcoal. When it is heated to an even higher temperature, about 930°C, impurities are driven from its surface and it becomes activated charcoal, sometimes called decolorizing charcoal. This activated charcoal can remove impurities in either the gaseous or liquid state from many solutions. It does so by the process of adsorption, or by attracting these molecules to the surface.
73. Chernobyl disaster is the result of pollution by
(1) Oil spill
(2) Acid rain
(3) Carbon dioxide
(4) Radioactive waste
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The Chernobyl disaster was a catastrophic nuclear accident that occurred on 26 April 1986 at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in the city of Pripyat, then located in the Ukrainian USSR. An explosion and fire released large quantities of radioactive particles into the atmosphere, which spread over much of the western USSR and Europe.
74. Which of the following caused radioactive pollution along the coast of Kerala ?
(1) Plutonium
(2) Zinc
(3) Thorium
(4) Radium
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Thorium-rich monazite sand deposits on the Kerala coast has been responsible for natural radioactive contamination. It has been pronounced on the southwest coastal line of the state. The region has been found to have elevated levels of background radioactivity due to high abundance of thorium.
75. For extinguishing fire, we use
(1) Hydrogen
(2) Carbon Monoxide
(3) Carbon Dioxide
(4) Marsh gas
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Fire extinguishers use carbon dioxide to displace the oxygen necessary for a fire to burn, extinguishing the blaze. Fires need oxygen, fuel, and heat to ignite, and removing any one of those three components can put out a fire. It is useful for electrical fires and some flammable liquid fires, but may make some gasoline or paper fires worse by dispersing burning material.
76. The chemical name of quartz is
(1) Calcium oxide
(2) Calcium phosphate
(3) Sodium phosphate
(4) Sodium silicate
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Quartz is a compound of one part silicon and two parts of oxygen, silicon dioxide, SiO2 . Quartz is the most abundant silica mineral. It is used in a number of industries, the important being glass, foundry, sodium silicate, silicon alloys, etc. The various grades of sodium silicate are characterized by their SiO2 : Na2O weight ratio.
77. The depletion in Ozone layer is caused by ___________ .
(1) Nitrous oxide
(2) Carbon dioxide
(3) Chlorofluorocarbons
(4) Methane
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), also known as Freon, cause the breakdown of the ozone layer that protects the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In the upper atmosphere, the UV-induced breakdown of CFCs releases free, highly reactive chlorine and bromine atoms that lead to the breakdown of the stratospheric ozone layer. Owing to ozone depletion in the upper atmosphere, CFCs have been phased out under the Montreal Protocol of 1987.
78. Phosphorus is kept in water because
(1) its ignition temperature is very high
(2) its ignition temperature is very low
(3) its critical temperature is high
(4) its critical temperature is low
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The allotropic form of Phosphorus (white phosphorus) is less stable and therefore highly reactive because of angular strain in P4 molecule where the angles are only 60⁰ . Having very low ignition temperature, it readily catches fire in air to give dense white fumes of P4O10. So it is kept in water to avoid oxidation by the oxygen present in air.
79. Sea water is saltier than rain water because
(1) Sea animals are salt producing
(2) The air around the sea is saltish
(3) Rivers wash away salts from earth and pour them into the sea
(4) Sea beds have salt producing mines
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Seawater is salty because rainwater dissolves the salt minerals found in soil and rocks as it travels through rivers and streams en route to the sea The rain that falls on the land contains some dissolved carbon dioxide from the surrounding air. This causes the rainwater to be slightly acidic due to carbonic acid. The rain physically erodes the rock and the acids chemically break down the rocks and carries salts and minerals along in a dissolved state as ions. The ions in the runoff are carried to the streams and rivers and then to the ocean which makes them Salty.
80. Even after sunset, the air near the Earth’s surface continue to receive heat due to
(1) Insolation
(2) Terrestrial Radiation
(3) Conduction
(4) Convection
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Even after the sunset when the sun goes down, the incoming radiation from the sun stops, but there is still a lot of radiation that has been absorbed by the earth, which is re-radiated in form of terrestrial radiation. Energy leaving the earth’s surface i.e. terrestrial radiation heats up the atmosphere more than the incoming solar radiation i.e. insolation.
81. Trinitrotoluene is
(1) used to melt metals
(2) used to fuse two metals
(3) used as an abrasive
(4) used as an explosive
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Trinitrotoluene (C6H2 (NO2) 3CH3), abbreviated as TNT, is sometimes used as a reagent in chemical synthesis, but it is best known as an explosive material with convenient handling properties. The explosive yield of TNT is considered to be the standard measure of bombs and other explosives.
82. Nitrification is the biological process of converting
(1) N2 into nitrate
(2) N2 into nitrite
(3) Ammonia into nitrite
(4) Ammonia into N2
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nitrification is the biological oxidation of ammonia or ammonium to nitrite followed by the oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate. The transformation of ammonia to nitrite is usually the rate limiting step of nitrification. Nitrification is an important step in the nitrogen cycle in soil.
83. Which of the process is known as nitrification?
(1) Reaction of Nitrogen Monoxide with oxygen to form nitric acid
(2) Reaction of nitrogen dioxide with water to form nitric acid
(3) Conversion of ammonia to nitrites
(4) Conversion of nitrite to nitric oxide
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Nitrification is the biological oxidation of ammonia or ammonium to nitrite followed by the oxidation of the nitrite to nitrate. The oxidation of ammonia into nitrite is performed by two groups of organisms, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). Nitrification is an important step in the nitrogen cycle in soil.
84. The purest form of water in nature is
(1) Rain water
(2) Lake water
(3) River water
(4) Sea water
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Rainwater is often considered the purest form of water available on the Earth. The evaporation of water by the sun allows the salts and other impurities to be left behind out of the water. However, in reality, rain water is often much less than pure when it reaches the surface of the Earth due to the high pollution of air with toxic gases.
85. The source of energy that causes the least global warming is
(1) Coal
(2) Geothermal energy
(3) Natural Gas
(4) Petroleum
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Fossil fuels — coal, petroleum, and natural gas — are the primary culprit behind climate change. They contribute more than 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions — and 98 percent of CO2 emissions alone. On the contrary, Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and stored in the Earth. It is clean and sustainable.
86. Which of the following is not a donor atom?
(1) Phosphorus
(2) Antimony
(3) Arsenic
(4) Aluminium
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Aluminium is an acceptor atom, an impurity atom in a semiconductor, which can accept or take up one or more electrons from the crystal and become negatively charged. In semiconductor physics. It is a dopant atom that when added to a semiconductor can form a p-type region. For example, when silicon (Si), having four valence electrons, needs to be doped as a p-type semiconductor, elements from group III like boron (B) or aluminium (Al), having three valence electrons, can be used. The latter elements are also called trivalent impurities. Other trivalent dopants include indium (In) and gallium (Ga).
87. Besides CO2, the other greenhouse gas is
(1) CH4
(2) N2 N2
(3) Ar Ar
(4) O2
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
The greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere are: Watervapour (H2O), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Ozone (O3) and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Methane is an important greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 34 compared to CO2 over a 100-year period, and 72 over a 20-year period.
88. Which of the following is a commercial source of energy?
(1) Agricultural waste
(2) Dried dung
(3) Sun
(4) Natural gas
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Energy is broadly classified as commercial and non-commercial energy. Firewood, agricultural waste (straw, etc.) and animals waste (cowdung) are the important components of non-commercial energy. Coal, petroleum products, natural gas and, electricity are the important components of commercial energy. These goods are largely used for commercial purposes in the factories and farms.
89. Which of the following is a natural polymer?
(1) Bakelite
(2) Nylon
(3) Polythene
(4) Starch
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Cotton, starch, cellulose and rubber are some of the naturally occurring polymers. Starch is a condensation polymer made up of hundreds of glucose monomers, which split out water molecules as they chemically combine. Starch is a member of the basic food group carbohydrates and is found in cereal grains and potatoes. It is also referred to as a polysaccharide, because it is a polymer of the monosaccharide glucose.
90. Which one of the following nonmetals shows allotropy in the liquid state?
(1) Carbon
(2) Sulphur
(3) Phosphorous
(4) Bromine
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Sulphur is a non-metal that shows allotropy in the liquid state. If sulphur is heated slowly the changes between the different forms can be observed. These changes are in the form of colour and viscosity (thickness) of the liquid. If the dark brown liquid sulphur is poured into a beaker of cold water, plastic sulphur is formed. This is an elastic, rubber-like form of sulphur.
91. Which of the following is not a nitrogenous fetiliser?
(1) Ammonium sulphate
(2) Urea
(3) Ammonium nitrate
(4) Superphosphate
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Superphosphate is a common synthetic phosphorus fertilizer. It contains phosphorus and sulphur in a ratio of 1 to 1.22.?It is produced by treatment of “phosphate rock” with acids such as sulphuric acid. Superphosphate is the principal carrier of phosphate, the form of phosphorus usable by plants, and is one of the world’s most important fertilizers.
92. Thermal electricity is generated by using which of these ?
(1) Coal only
(2) Coal and Natural Gas only
(3) Coal, Natural Gas and Petroleum
(4) None of these
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
A thermal power station is a power plant in which heat energy is converted to electric power. Thermal power is producing using fossil fuel such as coal, natural gas or petroleum. More than 65% of India’s electricity generation capacity comes from thermal power plants, with about 85% of the country’s thermal power generation being coal-based.
93. When iron rusts, its weight
(1) decreases
(2) increases
(3) remains the same
(4) first increases and then decreases
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
When iron rusts, oxide compounds are formed due the interaction between oxygen in the air or in water and the metal. Because of the oxygen atoms binding with the metal, the weight of the metal with rust will increase.
94. Silver gets corroded due to ___ in air.
(1) Oxygen
(2) Hydrogen Sulphide
(3) Carbon dioxide
(4) Nitrogen
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Silver is a fairly stable metal and under normal circumstances does not corrode quickly. However, it is particularly susceptible to the effects of the sulfide radical. However, when exposed to air, silver reacts with Hydrogen Sulphide in the atmosphere, especially in marine environment, and readily forms a surface tarnish of silver sulphide.
2Ag + H2 S → Ag2 S +H2
95. Which of the following is a radioactive element?
(1) Cobalt
(2) Uranium
(3) Argon
(4) Chromium
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Uranium (U) is a naturally occurring radioactive element. Its nucleus is unstable, so the element is in a constant state of decay, seeking a more stable arrangement. One of its isotopes, uranium-235, is the only naturally occurring isotope capable of sustaining a nuclear fission reaction. In fact, uranium was the element that made the discovery of radioactivity possible.
96. Biofertilizers convert nitrogen to _______ .
(1) nitrates
(2) ammonia
(3) nitrogenase
(4) amino acids
Answer is Option (2) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Bio-fertilizers are micro-organisms which bring about nutrient enrichment of soil by enhancing the availability of nutrients to crops. The micro-organisms which act as bio-fertilizers are bacteria, cyanobacteria (blue green algae) and mycorrhizal fungi. The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert free nitrogen to ammonia, which the host plant utilizes for its development.
97. All isotopes of the same element have ______
(1) different atomic numbers and different atomic mass
(2) different atomic numbers and the same atomic mass
(3) the same atomic number but different atomic masses
(4) the same atomic number and the atomic mass
Answer is Option (3) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Isotopes are forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei. So they have the same atomic number, but differ in relative atomic mass. For example, carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14 are three isotopes of the element carbon having the same atomic number of 6, but with mass numbers 12, 13 and 14 respectively.
98. Nitric acid does not react with
(1) Gold
(2) Copper
(3) Zinc
(4) Iron
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Concentrated nitric acid is a very strong oxidator capable of reacting with the noble metals such as copper or silver. Some precious metals, such as pure gold and platinum-group metals do not react with nitric acid. However, pure gold does react with aqua regia, a mixture of concentrated nitric acid and hydrochloric acid.
99. What is the product formed when sodium bicarbonate is heated strongly?
(1) Sodium Carbonate
(2) Sodium Hydroxide
(3) Sodium Peroxide
(4) Sodium Monoxide
Answer is Option (1) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
When sodium bicarbonate is strongly heated, it decomposes into sodium carbonate, water vapor, and carbon dioxide. Solid sodium carbonate is a white powder and is used in cooking under the name ‘baking powder’; sodium bicarbonate is used in baking under the name ‘baking soda’.
2NaHCO3(s) → Na2CO3(s) + CO2 (g) + H2O(g)
100. Vinegar is __________ .
(1) diluted acetic acid
(2) glacial acetic acid
(3) glacial formic acid
(4) diluted formic acid
Answer is Option (4) for SSC CGL Chemistry MCQ
Vinegar is mostly dilute acetic acid, often produced by fermentation and subsequent oxidation of ethanol. It is roughly 3–9% acetic acid by volume, making acetic acid the main component of vinegar apart from water.
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