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Each STATEMENTS & ARGUMENTS question given below consists of a statement, followed by two arguments numbered I and II  or stated as “Yes”/”No”.

You must decide which of the arguments is a ‘strong’ argument and which is a ‘weak’ argument.

Give answer by selecting the option from:

(A) If only argument I is strong                   (B) If only argument II is strong

(C) If either I or II is strong                           (D) If neither I nor II is strong and

(E) If both I and II are strong.

1. Statement: Should India encourage exports, when most things are insufficient for internal use itself?


Yes(I). We have to earn foreign exchange to pay for our imports.

No(II). Even selective encouragement would lead to shortages.

A. Only argument I is strong                                      B. Only argument II is strong

C. Either I or II is strong                                               D. Neither I nor II is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

2.  Statement: Should all the drugs patented and manufactured in Western countries be first tried out on a sample basis before giving a license for sale to the general public in India?


Yes(I). Many such drugs require different doses and duration for the Indian population and hence it is necessary.

No(II). This is just not feasible and hence cannot be implemented.

A. Only argument I is strong                                      B. Only argument II is strong

C. Either I or II is strong                                               D. Neither I nor II is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

 3. Statement: Should India make efforts to harness solar energy to fulfil its energy requirements?


Yes(I). Most of the energy sources used at present is exhaustible.

No(II). Harnessing solar energy requires a lot of capital, which India lacks in.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II is strong

C. Either I or II is strong                                D. Neither I nor II is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

4. Statement: Should there be a student union in college/university?


No(I). This will create a political atmosphere in the campus.

Yes(II). it is very necessary Students are future political leaders.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II is strong

C. Either I or II is strong                                D. Neither I nor II is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

5. Statement: Should India give away Kashmir to Pakistan?


No(I). Kashmir is a beautiful state. It earns a lot of foreign exchange for India.

Yes(II). This would help settle conflicts.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

6. Statement: Should luxury hotels be banned in India?


Yes(I). They are places where international criminals operate.

No(II). Affluent foreign tourists will have no place to stay.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

7. Statement: Should shifting agriculture be practiced?


No(I). It is a wasteful practice.

Yes(II). Modern methods of farming are too expensive.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

8. Statement: Should our country extend generous behavior and goodwill to our erring and nagging neighbors?


Yes(I). Goodwill always pays dividends.

No(II). Our generous behavior and goodwill will be considered as our weaknesses.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

9. Statement: Is a pen mightier than a sword?


Yes(I). Writers influence the thinking of the people.

No(II). With the help of physical force, one can conquer all.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

10. Statement: Should political parties be banned?


Yes(I). It is necessary to teach a lesson to the politicians,

No(II). It will lead to an end of democracy.

A. Only argument I is strong                       B. Only argument II ts strong

C. Either I or Il is strong                                D. Neither I nor Ill is strong

E. Both I and II are strong

Directions to Solve: Each question given below consists of a statement, followed by three or four arguments numbered I, II, III, and IV or “Yes”/” No”/ “Yes”/” No”. You must decide which of the arguments is/are ‘strong’ arguments) and which is/are ‘weak’ arguments) and accordingly, choose your answer from the alternatives given below each question.

11. Statement: Should people with educational qualifications higher than the optimum requirements

be debarred from seeking jobs?


No(I). It will further aggravate the problem of educated unemployment.

Yes(II). It creates complexity among employees and affects the work adversely.

No(III). ‘This goes against the basic rights of the individuals.

Yes(IV). This will increase productivity.

A. Only I and III are strong            B. All-are strong               C. Only II and IV are strong

D. Only III is strong                         E. None of these

12. Statement: Should India go in for computerization in all possible sectors?


Yes(I). It will bring efficiency and accuracy to the work.

No(II). It will be an injustice to the tremendous human resources which are at present underutilized.

No(III) Computerization demands a lot of money. We should not waste money on it.

Yes(IV). When advanced countries are introducing computers in every field, how can India afford to lag behind?

A. Only I is strong                            B. Only I and II are strong             C. Only l and III are strong

D. Only II and III are strong           E. All are strong

13. Statement: Should all the school teachers be debarred from giving private tuition?


No(I). The needy students will be deprived of the expertise of these teachers.

Yes(II). This is an injustice to the unemployed educated people who can earn their living by giving tuition.

Yes(III). Only then the quality of teaching in schools will improve.

Yes(IV). Now the salary of these teachers is reasonable.

A. Only I and III are strong            B. Only I, II, and III are strong       C.  Only III and IV are strong

D. Only II, III, and IV are strong    E. None of these

14. Statement: Should education be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14?


Yes(I). This will help to eradicate the system of forced employment of these children.

Yes(II). This is an effective way to make the entire population educated.

No(III). We do not have adequate infrastructure to educate the entire population.

Yes(IV). This would increase the standard of living.

A. All are strong                B. Only I, II, and III are strong       C.  Only I, II, and IV are strong

D.  Only II is strong          E.  Only II and III are strong

15. Statement: Should trade WNTONS be banned completely?


Yes(I). Workers can concentrate ON Production

No(II). This is the only way through which employees can put their demands before the Management

Yes(III). Employees get their illegal demands fulfilled through these unions.

No(IV). Trade unions are not banned in other economically advanced countries.

A. Only I is strong             B. Only II is a strong                        C. Only I and II are strong

D. Only I, II and III are strong                      E. None of these

16. Statement: Should the public sector undertakings be kilo wed to adopt a hire and fire policy”


Yes(I). This will help the public sector undertakings to get rid of non-performing employees and reward the performing employees.

No(II). This will give an unjust handle to the management and they May use it indiscriminately,

 Yes(III). This will help increase the level of efficiency of these organizations and these will become profitable establishments.

A. None is strong                            B. Only I and II are strong             C. Only II and III are strong

D. Only I and III are strong            E. All are strong

17. Statement: Is caste-based reservation policy in professional colleges justified?


Yes(I). The step is a must to bring the underprivileged at par with the privileged ones.

No(II). It obstructs the establishment of a classless society.

Yes(III). This will help the backward castes and classes of people to come out of the oppression of upper caste people.

A. Only I and II are strong             B. Only II is strong            C. Only II and III are strong

D. Only I and III are strong                           E. All are strong

18. Statement: Should there be a complete ban on genetically modified imported seeds?


Yes(I). This will boost the demand of domestically developed seeds. .

No(iI). This is the only way to increase production substantially.

Yes(Iii). Genetically modified products will adversely affect the health of those who consume these products.

A. Only I and II are strong                            B. Only Il is strong            C. Only II and IIl are strong

D. Only I and III are strong                           E. All are strong

19. Statement: Should the income generated out of agricultural activities be taxed?


No(I). Farmers are otherwise suffering from natural calamities and low yield coupled with low procurement prices and their income should not be taxed.

Yes(Ii). The majority of the population is dependent on agriculture and hence their income should be taxed to augment the resources.

Yes(Iii). Many big farmers earn much more than the majority of the service earners and they should be taxed to remove the disparity.

A. Only I is strong                            B. Only I and II are strong             C. Only II and III are strong

D. All are strong                               E. None of these

20. Statement: Should all the management institutes in the country be brought under government control?


No(I). The government does not have adequate resources to run such institutes effectively.

No(Ii). Each institute should be given the freedom to function on its own.

Yes(Iii). This will enable to have standardized education for all students.

Yes(Iv). Only then the quality of education would be improved.

A. None is strong             B. Only I, II and III are strong        C. Only I and III are strong

D. All are strong               E. Only III is strong


1. (a)     2. (a)     3. (a)     4. (e)     5. (a)     6. (b)     7. (a)      8. (e)    9. (a)     10. (d)

11. (d)   12. (a)   13. (e)   14. (d)   15. (b)    16. (d)  17. (b)   18. (b)   19. (c)  20. (a)