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Competitive exams

Statement & course of action

Statement & course of action The questions from the topic ‘Statement & Course of action’ are asked to test the ability of the aspirant to judge a problem correctly as well as to determine the root cause of the problem and then to prescribe a suitable course of action. What is the Course of Action?

Competitive exams

Statement and conclusions

Statement and conclusions Statement and conclusions ‘Conclusion’ means ‘a fact that can be truly inferred from contents of a given sentence or passage’. This type of questions consist of a statement/group of statements, followed by certain inferences based on the facts contained in the given statements and we are required to analyse the given statements,

Competitive exams

Eligibility Test

Eligibility Test In this type of questions, you are given the necessary qualifications required to be fulfilled by a candidate for a contain vacancy in job/promotion facility, along with the bio-data of certain candidates who have applied for the same. You are then required to assess the candidate’s eligibility for potential and there by decide

Competitive exams

Input and Output

Input and output Input and output What is Input-Output? Similar to the computer concept of Input-Output, the reasoning questions based on this topic involves an Input which is given in the form of numbers and words and then gives out an Output following a certain format. In this type of questions, a message comprising of

Coded Inequality


Inequality What is the inequality (Coded Inequality)  in math? inequality, In mathematics, a statement of an order relationship—greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or less than or equal to—between two numbers or algebraic expressions. In these types of questions, the relations amongst the numbers are given in a coded form with a

Competitive exams

Order and Ranking

ORDER AND RANKING ORDER AND RANKING TYPE 1: TO FIND OUT THE POSITION OF A PERSON IN THE ROW FROM L.H.S/JR.H.S. To find out the position of a person in a row from right hand side and left hand side = (Number of persons in the row + 1) – position of the person from